Saturday, March 19, 2011

The Ultimate Ban


  1. was within reasonable limits, up until the last line

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I enjoyed the parts I understood. Like Sam, I though the last line was really not appropriate, even for Purim.

  4. Agreed. (In case it's not obvious - I did not make this pashkevil. The person who made it, makes spoof pashkevillim every year. This one is from 5 years ago.)

  5. What I find intriguing is that Mike is asking for a translation. This is apparently the same Mike who used to go by the moniker of Poshuter, who is the super-frum, Toyrah Toyrah Toyrah person - but he cannot understand Hebrew! I think that this gives an interesting insight into him.

  6. OK, I managed to crop out the last line.

  7. Sam said...
    was within reasonable limits, up until the last line

    The last line was classic!

    What truly works about this "banner" is that its so true to what it parodies! There are people who surely would (and do) claim "natural laws = 'goyish' laws."

    Since everything is "hafukh" on Purim, do Jews operate according to "natural law" on this day? ;)

    Does "gravity," not God, keep me grounded today? ;)

    Happy Purim!
    Michael A. Singer

    P.S...Rabbi - if the last line is about "metsitsah b'peh," then you can still read it when you click on the image!

  8. You didn't crop out the line from the full-size version you get when you click on the image. I also agree it's not appropriate even for Purim (although the rest is great).

  9. I dont know what you're referring to. I have not used another name, and a translation would benefit more than me anyway.

  10. Great Purim torah. I would add that those whose tefilin batim don't have a diagonal which is exactly 1.4 x the side should not consider that they fulfill the requirement of having square tefilin boxes. The fact that 'Tosfos' in Eruvin 76 and Succah 8 states that the diagonal of a square is a bit more than 1.4 x the side, and that the gemaras there aren't meduyak, is just a sign that even the holy 'Tosfos' were nichshal by arriving at their own understanding of geometry - 'lo aleinu'. Pay no attention to them, and certainly not to the accursed teachers of geometry who teach such apikorsus as the Pythagorean theorem which Chazal never utilized.

    A proof that their teachings are nonsense is the fact that they believe that the ratio of the diagonal to the side of a square is an 'irrational number'. If it makes no sense to them, why should it to us?

    Purim samei'ach

  11. I too need a translation, please.

  12. For the metzitzah Bepeh, it would have been much funnier if they had said that it was obligatory to do it even on an adult convert.

  13. An update on the evolutionist Imam:

    UK cleric leaves mosque over evolution
    According to Hasan, his opponents started seeking fatwas, or religious rulings, from clerics overseas to denounce his support for evolution and, he says, to declare a death sentence.

    Hasan says that clerics in Pakistan, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia issued such decrees.

    Leaflets started appearing at the mosque calling for Hasan’s removal and making thinly veiled suggestions that his "apostasy" might ultimately sanction his execution.

    A public meeting aimed at calming the situation only increased tensions. Recently, Hasan says he started fearing for his life.

    And this despite the fact that he backed down somewhat!

    Earlier this month, Hasan issued a statement on his website dialing back some of his statements on evolution.

    "I regret and retract some of my statements in the past about the theory of evolution, especially the inflammatory ones … I do not believe that Adam, peace be upon him, had parents," he wrote.

    "Some of the things I said in public went too far, and without meaning to, had been quite inflammatory,” he told CNN.

  14. R Slifkin, you that are the actual scientist, an open minded person:

    How will you translate and explain the final note in your "ban" to your kids?

  15. This is a very honest question, just to understand your position, after all your notes on how Chazal "erred", also including halacha topics (like in your notes about organ transplants):
    What make you different from a karaite?
    Please explain so we can understand exactly your position.

  16. What makes YOU different from a Karaite?

  17. Now I understand, it is clear from YOUR answer that you can't explain any difference.


  18. No. My point was that if you were to understand correctly what distinguished YOU from a Karaite, then you would know that the same thing distinguishes me.

  19. Aaron Stransky what makes you different from a Cargo Cultist? Eh? EH?!! Answer UP!!! I see you are ignoring me you koifer shebaoilam!! Thank you very much for clarifying. That can only mean one thing: YOUR answer is that there is no difference!!


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