Thursday, June 23, 2011

Return of the Hyrax

I am thrilled to announce that, due to a fortunate confluence of factors, a new edition of The Camel, The Hare, And The Hyrax is going to press next week! This new edition contains much new material throughout the book and has been fully revised. Click here to go to the book's webpage where you can pre-order it at a steep discount.

B'ezras Hashem, the book will be printed in time for me to bring a number of copies to the US at the end of July. However it will probably not reach the stores in the US until September. Daf Yomi is getting to this topic in mid-August.

Below is a video of a hyrax engaged in the mysterious behavior that certainly looks like rumination. What it is actually doing, nobody knows.


  1. surely us British fans won't be denied this introductory offer after having waited so long?

  2. Sorry, I have mail internationally to Britain, so that will be $8 shipping.

  3. If people in Britain, S. Africa etc. want to order it, please email me and I will send you an invoice that you can pay online.

  4. I'm curious if the new version of the book talks about the proboscis monkey.

    Also, you wrote, "I am thrilled to announce that, due to a fortunate confluence of factors, a new edition of (my book) is going to press next week!"

    Y'know, you have an opportunity to add "Baruch Hashem!" to this exciting news. Go for it!

  5. French Defense LeagueJune 24, 2011 at 12:24 AM

    How dare you call France "etc."!

  6. Some time ago you listed projects you were working on and I don't recall this being one of the high priority items. Can you elaborate on why this was reprinted at this time, and can you briefly discuss what the major revisions are?

  7. I am having a problem ordering on-line. Please check that the link is working.

  8. I'm curious if the new version of the book talks about the proboscis monkey.

    Yes, certainly!

  9. Some time ago you listed projects you were working on and I don't recall this being one of the high priority items. Can you elaborate on why this was reprinted at this time,

    The confluence of:
    1) Realizing that Daf Yomi is getting to it very soon
    2) Checking my document and realizing that I had already done a lot of the necessary revisions
    3) A sponsor coming forward
    4) Putting in a tremendous amount of time and effort on it this week!

    and can you briefly discuss what the major revisions are?

    Not really, there's lots of additions throughout. The basic conclusions are the same, though.

  10. Will you be speaking in the NY area when you come to the States in July? And if so, will you be posting on here where & when?

  11. So far, I have Shabbos engagements in Philadelphia and Jamaica Estates. There will be Torah zoo tours at the Philadelphia and Bronx zoo - I'll announce details here. I still have openings during the week for lectures, if someone wants to arrange one.

  12. Hi you said you will be in Queens (Jamaica Estates) and will post the dates in days to come. Was just wondering if you will be selling your book(s) at these events as well? (umm uumm, at a discount perhaps. Just asking, trying to spend less these days,you know how it is).

  13. Yes, I will have books. But the price is the same as the internet price - you'll just save on shipping.

  14. Alright, will it be the "steep discount" price just without the shipping or the other (higher price)? Also when is the discount price ending for the new book?

  15. Book ordered! Can you please advise as to when I can expect the book to arrive?

  16. I cant seem to get to the order page. Just checking if it is on my end or if others are having that problem as well.

    Kol Tuv,

  17. Eli, I'll ship the book when it comes out, hopefully in 2 weeks.

    Mike, I've already gotten about 30 orders, so I think that the problem is on your end. Try a different browser.

  18. for those who who have already purchased your first edition and need an incentive to purchase the second.

    perhaps you could publish an extract, which will show what you are missing, without it

  19. Do you mention the "dibrah torah c'lashon b'nei adam" method?


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