Sunday, January 22, 2012

February Lecture Schedule

Here is a list of my forthcoming lectures that are open to the public:


Shabbos February 4th:
Beth Sholom, Cedarhurst
Friday-8PM: “One People, Two Worlds: Rationalists & Mystics”
Shabbos morning-11AM: “Battle for Beit Shemesh: The Evolution of Chareidim”
5PM: “The Animal Kingdom in Jewish Thought

Sunday February 5th:
12pm - "The Challenge of Dinosaurs" - at the YU Sefarim Sale.

2:30 pm - "The Evolution of Orthodoxy: From Chasam Sofer to the Battles of Bet Shemesh"
3:45 pm - "Beasts of Prey: Bears, Hawks and Other Predators in Jewish Thought"
Washington Heights Congregation, 815 West 179th Street
Entrance Donation: $10 for one lecture, $15 for both
Download flyer with details here 

Monday February 6th:

7pm - "How (not) to Become a Heretic: What Must a Jew Believe?"
Drisha Institute of Jewish Education
37 West 65th Street, 5th Floor, New York
Tuition: $18; June and July Immersion Program alumni no charge; $10 suggested donation for college students.


Wednesday February 8th:

7pm at Beth Tfiloh’s Epstein Chapel: “Were the Rabbis always Right.” Free admission.

Thursday February 9th:

8pm - "Shaking the Heavens: Rabbinic Responses to Astronomical Revolutions" at Shomrei Emunah. Entrance donation $10. Download flyer here.

Shabbos February 11th: Suburban Orthodox


Sunday February 12th:
9am - The Challenge of Creation - at Beth Sholom
10.30am - Sacred Monsters - at Beth Sholom
2-5pm - The Torah Tour of the National Zoo. Download flyer with details here.
7:30pm - "The Evolution of Orthodoxy and the Making of Charedim" - Kesher Israel. No admission fee, but RSVP required - see


If anyone can give me a ride from Philadelphia to NY (preferably the 5 Towns) on the afternoon or evening of Monday Feb. 13th, please be in touch!


  1. I hope one of these days you'll ship up to Boston. Come on, you're gonna be debating Meiselman soon (or whenever that book comes out), you gotta go to the Rav's kever and (I know, it has nothing to do with the science stuff) you gotta see the mechitza at Maimonides for yourself. :)

  2. Rationalist in BaltimoreJanuary 23, 2012 at 4:48 PM

    Could you please post a printable flyer for the Baltimore appearances, and also more scheduling/topic detail for the appearance at Suburban Orthodox? Thanks.

  3. Can you post your schedule at Beth Shalom for folks who do not daven there?

  4. Very much looking forward to hearing you at the National Zoo and at Kesher!

  5. I second Ark. I have a friend who is thinking of davening at Beth Shalom that Shabbos and would like to know your schedule snd list of topics.

    Lawrence Kaplan

  6. Bump for Beth Shalom schedule. I'm sure there are many in the Five Towns area who would attend.

  7. is the speech at Drisha on Monday for men also?

  8. Wow, I didn't know there's another Yeedle on Rationalist Judaism.


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