Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Come Visit The Biblical Museum of Natural History!

The Biblical Museum of Natural History will be starting to take visitors this chol hamoed! The museum showcases the mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians and insects of Scripture, including both live and inanimate exhibits, as well as featuring related zoological topics from the Talmud. It provides an educational encounter that is designed to inspire and educate visitors young and old. The personal guided tour includes some hands-on encounters!

The museum is not yet fully finished, but we are sufficiently set up to offer a great experience. So if you are visiting Israel this Sukkos, now is an opportunity not to be missed! Visits are only via reservation; currently there are slots for hour-long English tours on Sunday, Monday at 10am, much of Tuesday, and Wednesday morning. Hebrew tours are on Monday, beginning at 11am. (You can also, of course, visit after Sukkos, when things will be much quieter!)

Admission fees are as follows:
Adults (age 18 and up) 40 NIS
Children (3 - 18) 30 NIS
Children below age 3 FREE
Senior citizen, Student, Soldier, Policeman, Handicapped 30 NIS

The Biblical Museum of Natural History is located at 5 Rechov Ha-Tzaba Street, in the northern industrial zone of Beit Shemesh.

Please see for more details, and let us know which slot you are interested in.

See you at the museum!


  1. I'm glad to hear the museum is now open. I wish you much hatzlacha and b'racha in this.

  2. Mazal tov and hatzlacha rabba! It will be a long time before I ever get to see it, but I'll recommend it to everyone I know who is visiting or studying in Israel. And I do like the logo.

  3. I want to thank you for a fantastic tour this past Friday. The whole family loved it - truly captivating from beginning to end. There was so much to look at, and the explanations were fascinating. So glad we went - the museum is a real gem!

  4. Do you need a kohen to "own" the animals so they can eat terumah? I volunteer.

  5. Hatzlacha rabba! Hope to see it one day with my family, be"H.

  6. By the way, did you see about John Henry Patterson? In a few weeks, his last request, that he be buried in Israel, will be fullilled.

  7. We went and had a great time! It's one thing to read about something, and quite another to see it with one's own eyes. Highly recommended!


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