Sunday, August 9, 2015

Special Book Sale - One Day Only!

I am doing an inventory clearance in New York and I can offer some of my books at great prices with FREE delivery! (US only!). To get the books at these prices, orders MUST be received by Sunday evening:

  • The Torah Encyclopedia of the Animal Kingdom - $40 (Regular price $50)
  • The Challenge of Creation - $30 (Regular $35)
  • Sacred Monsters - $25 (Regular $30)
  • SPECIAL DEAL: Buy all three books for just $80!

To order, please use the "send money" feature on PayPal to send the money to, and email me with details of which books you want and the mailing address. Offer valid while stock lasts
Discounts also available for multiple books of the same title - please contact me for details. You can get a supply of bar-mitzvah presents!


  1. I just tried it and got this error message:
    "Sorry, this recipient can’t accept personal payments."
    Any idea why?

  2. The same thing just happened to me!

  3. Email me and I can send you a PayPal invoice.


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