Monday, June 26, 2017

A Feast of Exotic Curiosities

The Biblical Museum of Natural History, on the occasion of its third anniversary, is delighted to invite its Patrons to a unique and exclusive Feast of Exotic Curiosities, featuring an amazing menu of gourmet dishes of halachic intrigue, prepared by internationally renowned Chef Moshe Basson, with presentations by distinguished Rabbis, Scholars and Dignitaries!

Date: Monday, 2nd October 2017 / 12th Tishrei, 5778, at 7pm
Place: The Biblical Museum of Natural History, Beit Shemesh

For details and updates, and a gallery of photos from last year's dinner, see

This event will be different from last year's, in terms of the menu. Last year's event was a Feast Of Biblical Flora & Fauna - it was specifically Biblical foods. This year's event is virtually all non-Biblical foods, of exotic culinary/halachic natures.

Tickets for non-patrons are $360 per person, and are subject to availability. For reservations, write to

This means as follows: The event is first and foremost for our patrons. However, we don't expect all of our patrons to be in Israel at the time, and thus there will also be seats available for purchase, for $360 per person (which may sound like a lot, but it barely covers the costs for this complicated event!) Since we won't know until closer to the time how many of our patrons will be able to attend, non-patrons who purchase seats will be on a waiting list. Of course, you can avoid having to be on a waiting list by becoming a patron ;-)


  1. What was the menu last year? Please post it clearly. Thanks so much.

  2. Kutach Habavli? Never sounded very appealing to me. :)

  3. If you can make this same event in New York (with sufficient advance notice) I will try to come in for it and so will, I think, many others.

    1. I should have added, though I'm sure you know this, your Bar Ilan colleague Ari Zivitovsky put on one such exotic animal dinner in NY roughly 10 years ago. If you want to do one there [which I would suggest] he might be able to point you in the right direction.

    2. I was at that dinner, and Ari is my colleague at the museum as well as at Bar Ilan!


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