Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Happy Chanukah!


  1. Trying to change the subject, eh? ;)

    1. I was expecting a vort comparing rationalist to mystical understanding of Chanukah. Something like - Did the oil really last 8 days - was that a really a miracle or some special oil or perhaps a trick ? Anyway is that picture from the fires of California warning us to be careful with ignited candles ?

    2. Or was the story only invented hundreds of years later?

    3. No dummy, look at the antlers!

    4. @anonymous the antlers have more tips than a menorah. But they could reasonably intend a menorah. If the picture means to depict a menorah then maybe that is a fire from California.

    5. Maybe Rav Slifkin really intends the menorah (Jews/Judaism) as a light to the world.

  2. Chanuka Sameach!!

    Yup, a real miracle that there is a miracle you can't deny :-))))

  3. I finally got it: Chanukah Reindeer!

    1. Not quite sure what it was you 'got' there but i hope it's not catchy

    2. Its name is Yankif. It was originally one of Santa's reindeer (think Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner, Blitzen, and Yankif) but they thought it better to get rid of him because of concerns for the whole War on Xmas thing.

  4. I would have shared this on my Facebook page, but I don't favor that English spelling of Chanukah. Best wishes for the chag all the same.


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