Monday, July 22, 2019

Labor, Antisemitism, and Israelopathy

In an effort to stave off the constant criticism of antisemitism, the British Labor Party has produced a a new page about antisemitism. On first glance, it appears to be very good.

But you have to think about what is not being said.

There is no reference to the fact of Israel being the historic homeland of the Jewish People. Thus, it still feeds the Israelopathic libel of Israel being a colonial project.

Furthermore, the only thing that is off-limits is comparing Israel to Nazi Germany. But having double-standards for Israel compared to other countries is apparently not a problem.

Finally, note that while it says that Labor supports a two-state solution, it doesn't say what those two states are; this is like when the Palestinians talk about a two-state solution, but what they mean is one Palestinian state and one mixed but not Jewish state.

All in all, this page is reflective of an attempt to try to divorce hatred of Jews from hatred of Israel. That's why is so important to focus on the evils of Israelopathy rather than the evils of antisemitism.


  1. The biggest issue I have is with the following wording

    " The impact that the creation of Israel had and still has on the Palestinian people means the struggle for justice for them and an end to their dispossession is a noble one; Labour supports Palestinian statehood and a two-state solution to the conflict."

    Why do they feel the need to

    (a) mention their "struggle" (emotive word) for "justice" (implying the other side is unjust) for the Palestinian people and "their" dispossession (implying that the entire people have been dispossessed

    (b) then label said struggle as "noble" - this paper is supposed to be about Labour standing up for Jews, not Palestinians!

  2. On a different note, R' N. S's interview could be heard on this week's Headlines podcast regarding pets in halacha and hashkafa, specifically dogs. It's most illuminating.

    Thanks Reb Nosson


  3. While a lot of anti Israel sentiment emanates from Jew hatred it isn't always the case.

    It doesn't help to pretend that the State of Israel and the Jewish people are the same thing. We all know they are not.

    There are entities that hate the political state of Israel with much more vigor than they hate Jews.

    Are they rightly angry at the State for throwing Judaism under the bus, like every sincere keeper of Torah ought to be? No. They have their own fraudulent reasons. While it may often be rooted in Jew hatred, it can also be politically motivated.

    Remember, I can love the Jewish people and hate the political entity that is the State of Israel for such things as legalizing baby slaying, Sabbath profaning, and homosexual tolerance, which all run counter to Torah.

    The point is that divorcing Jew hatred from political hatred isn't as fundamentally fraudulent as you portray it to be.

    1. Don't worry - an Jewish Iran is in the offing within a few generations.

  4. A few comments - not criticisms per se:

    a) There is no reference to the fact of Israel being the historic homeland of the Jewish People. Thus, it still feeds the Israelopathic libel of Israel being a colonial project.

    Israel exists. It's right to exist is recognised by most. It's existence - let's face it - did not come about as a reward or recognition as a Jewish historical homeland but as a result of a myriad of historical and political developments and the monumental consequences of the Shoah. IL is a solution to the 'Jewish Problem' and in that context, Herzl stands as a modern prophet whose much derided (by Orthodox and ultra-Left secularists/bundists etc.) blueprint has come to fruition. Linking dispersed Jewry - especially non-homogenous continental European Jewry - to a historical right is deeply problematic and best left alone at this juncture. IL exists.

    Furthermore, the only thing that is off-limits is comparing Israel to Nazi Germany. But having double-standards for Israel compared to other countries is apparently not a problem.

    These double standards are not exclusive to IL. We have been subject to these for centuries regardless and it will never change. What is arguably worse is that we Jews also apply double standards. Constantly and ad nauseum.

    Finally, note that while it says that Labor supports a two-state solution, it doesn't say what those two states are; this is like when the Palestinians talk about a two-state solution, but what they mean is one Palestinian state and one mixed but not Jewish state.

    Perhaps. Perhaps not. What do you mean by 'Jewish State'? A demographic majority? A theocracy? A sub-Iranian soft democracy (which IL is rapidly becoming....) and annexationist national-religious state? Even Jews and Israelis have no idea what they want their state to look like, but a social democratic and egalitarian state - as fought for by the first generations if Israelis - has been hijacked and morphed into something else....

  5. Nice faker, the photographer. The lady's eyes were itchy but he enjoys leaving you with the impression that she's crying.

  6. Criticizing Israel is not hating Israel and hating Israel is not anti-Semitism.


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