Wednesday, April 1, 2020

The Most Unthinkable Neighbors

I don't know whether to be dismayed at this or thrilled.

As you know, the Biblical Museum of Natural History recently moved into its new home. We have about fifteen thousand square feet of space which, as enormous as it is, is not the entire building; we are currently occupying the upper floor (hopefully one day we will acquire the whole building). The lower floor was leased out for a commercial showroom. However, I just discovered that due to coronavirus, the showroom owner (a fervent charedi) has given up on opening his showroom there. Instead, he is sub-leasing the space to a yeshivah - and not just any yeshivah, but Toras Moshe!

That's right, Toras Moshe, the anti-Zionist, anti-science yeshivah of Rabbi Moshe Meiselman. That's the Rabbi Meiselman who was my most fervent opponent during the controversy over my books, and who wrote an 800 page book in an attempt to discredit my work. And now he's going to be my downstairs neighbor!

Did he not know that I am the director of the museum upstairs? Or does he know, and he doesn't care? Perhaps he even plans to somehow disrupt the museum? I mean, we don't exhibit any of the prehistoric dinosaurs that he firmly evades confronting, but we do have other exhibits that may bother him. For example, in our Hall Of Wonders, we exhibit some animals that are not in the Torah but are an example of the most extraordinary of God's creations, such as the duck-billed platypus. But according to Rabbi Meiselman, the platypus is in the Torah!

Someone suggested that maybe he has changed his mind and is now accepting of modern science and rationalism. But there are some things that are just impossible to believe.


  1. I'd be worried that he would send his students to bother your visitors and to disrupt your museum.
    Don't you have a right of refusal?

    1. Oh darn. I fell for it.
      Happy April Fools day.
      Good one.

    2. The *Real* ר"י מלוניילApril 1, 2020 at 10:47 PM

      Seeing as he isn't a psycho from what I hear ,I highly doubt this will happen

  2. Haha, this is great. April Fools???

  3. I'm sure you'll offer him a private tour.

  4. This is just too delicious to be true.

  5. Oh vey. Good luck. If they do try to disrupt your museum, I guess you may need to take legal action against them. For the time being, during the Covid-19 crisis, your museum and that Yeshiva are closed, right?

  6. That is an opportunity for peace

  7. Don't you any other thing on your mind than Rabbi Meiselman? And even Google has suspended April Fool's jokes this year because of the world situation. Come on, start acting like a grown-up - and also don't censor this posting.

  8. "I am mystified as to why this fact has not received more publicity"

    Just imagine how people would take this news if issued prematurely. Non-Haredim would say then that it's OK now to break out of isolation. And with Pesach Seder coming up, everyone would head over to Abba and Ima's house. And then we'd have to start all over. Patience.

  9. are you serious? what a scream! can you arrange for a dinosaur skeleton to be displayed outside the building? or are you having us on...

  10. April fools day ?

  11. Happy April Fool's.

    His Yeshiva is closed due to coronavirus and bein hazmanim.

    (PS if true, both sides will think Oy Lerasha Oy Leshchainu!

  12. Sources say that you have visited R' Chaim Kanievsky and begged him for mechilah for being mevazeh him. Can you confirm or deny this report?

  13. הקב״ה does, כ״י, have a sense of humor.
    הצלחה רבה וחג כשר ושמח

  14. Hopefully, the alone time during Coronavirus will bring us towards unity, not hate. May we all merit to Achdus, and cease to attack other Jews

  15. May the Coronavirus bring us towards achdus and respect, not hate and bitterness. Thank you.

  16. These evil chareidim... next thing you know slifkin might actually be tricked into learning some Torah!

  17. This is most ironic. To have one of your harshest critic downstairs disparaging the museum will be of no help to Charedi Jews who had any inclining interest in touring the museum. On the other hand, the mysterious rooms upstairs could have some influences. . .

  18. My rabbi sent me some Corona virus jokes for April Fools. (We still need to be optimistic, even in terrible times). Here's one: We thought we’d have flying cars by 2020. But no, here we are teaching people how to wash their hands.

  19. some people use this time when Hakodosh Boruch Hu is clearly sending a message to the world to reflect on what we may have done wrong and how we can improve. Hashem has showed us he is in control, we should nullify our ego and obnoxiousness and realise he is running the world and we should try and get closer to Him. Others remain in their childish state playing babyish games and digger deeper and deeper holes for themselves in this world and the next, be mevazeh and disgrasing anyone who represents anything remontly connected to Torah...(please post and don't hide)

  20. This was an April Fool's Day joke! Apologies to those who didn't realize!

  21. A lesson that I learned today: If you do a public April Fool's Day prank, make sure that your nearest and dearest know about it in advance! And if it involves your workplace, make sure that your employees know about it too!
    No, Yeshivas Toras Moshe is not moving into the lower floor of the Biblical Museum of Natural History...

    1. The *Real* ר"י מלוניילApril 1, 2020 at 10:51 PM

      Hilarious is pretty funny actually ... unfortunately as Jews ,we are told to resist the temptations of having a laugh at the expense of someone else , especially a talmid Chatham,no matter the difference in opinion.

  22. Let's not commemorate a secular day by being mevazeh talmudei chachochim. Don't think that's the sort of leadership that Klal Yisroel need. Now is a time to focus on Limud Hatorah and gemilus chasodim, not pettiness and immaturity.


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