Sunday, September 6, 2020

The Dangerous Inciters

The video below exposes the danger of Rabbi Yaron Reuven and Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi by compiling some of their most inflammatory and dangerous statements. Please share the link with those who need to see it, such as kosher stores which distribute the CDs of Reuven and Mizrachi, rabbis affiliated with Agudas HaRabonim, Torah Anytime (which hosts Mizrachi's videos), and so on. (If you are reading this via email subscription, it could be that you will not be able to watch the video; you will have to visit the website to see it.) 


You can also share this YouTube link: 

(When the video was originally posted, Yaron Reuven complained to YouTube that it was a copyright infringement and had it removed. However, someone pointed out to YouTube that it is completely permitted under the Fair Use clause, which allows for sharing brief clips from peoples' videos with the goal of exposing their danger. YouTube then reinstated it.)


  1. Replaying the Nazi excerpt may be a mistake as it gives it even more publicity.

  2. Thank you for sharing this video! Rabbi Yaron Reuven and Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi are exposed!

    PS I will share this video.

    1. If I were u I wouldn’t speak about someone like rabbi Mizrahi the way god sees him and you see him are totally different, he has made more then 150,000 people religious and to speak bad about someone of this caliber which you will never get to close to his level is a horrible mistake

  3. I was most offended about what he said about the Pittsburg shooting. I remember that day. A friend of mine rushed into the room shouting that anti-semites shot the Or L’Simcha. It was terrible. How dare Reuven to make light of it. Someone needs to shut him down, NOW.

  4. I wonder what they would think of me ? On the one hand I openly advocate against all religions and god(s) including Orthodox Judaism. On the other hand I identify myself as an atheist and thus they may not consider me a wolf in sheep's clothing. So would they kill me if it was legal ? Do they pray for my harm daily ?

    1. I can't speak for them, but I think that Mizrahi and Reuven have set their main targets against Rabbonim that speak "heresy" (according to their definition), not smallfolk like ourselves.
      The "blacklist" all consist of rabbis who have earned an aura of respect, and state their opinions with eloquence, so their words have much more weight.

    2. Although Reuven and Mizrachi would look at atheist with contempt, I do not think G-d punishes atheists if they were good people. I would not advocate atheism but suggest you study the rational teachings of Maimonides. After studying Rambam, I do not know why anyone would even want to become an atheist since everything atheist has to offer is offered better by Rambam. Personally, I do not know how one can be an atheist if they have studied Rambam.

    3. Considering that they are eager to kill for much lighter offenses, you probably wouldn't fare too well.....

  5. Good video. Rav Alon Anava, who associates with those two, should also he countered. Please make videos countering his dangerous lies as well.

  6. Both are in the US and unlike in Israel, they have freedom of speech...even if it unpopular, crackpot, etc. Now if the laws of libel or slander are violated then the injured part can take them to court to seek redress of some sort. This is the solution. Yes, they influence people and those people are more than likely not the brightest people in the world and or they are young and have not grown a brain yet. Sad to say, this is the way people are and will be for the future.

  7. Igud haRabbonim, not Agudat haRabbonim
    Neither of which control their membership
    One can give a hechsher to a

  8. Continuation
    A member can give a hechsher to a restaurant open on Shabbat, an remain a member in good standing,

  9. The 'Rational' Rabbi has scored an own goal once again. People can make their own minds once they take the 'spin' off.

  10. One of the rabbi's on Rabbi Mizrachi's list has contacted him to resolve it amicably; he said he recognizes that Rabbi Mizrachi has actually made a huge number of baalei teshuvah. All his critics don't actually listen to him; they just bark.


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