Thursday, January 7, 2021

A Child Tantrums, A Capitol Burns

In the previous post, I wrote about how the modern mass-kollel phenomenon has to be understood as the result of a complex array of factors. In complete contrast to this is yesterday's appalling events at the US Capitol, which were due to one very simple cause: The tantrum of a man-child who does not care about the consequences of his actions for others. The readership of this website includes the full range of political views, so I will immediately address those readers who will protest this condemnation.

"But the election was stolen!"

I don't know anything about the intricacies of the vote-counting process. I don't need to. All one needs to know is that the Republican-appointed electoral officials and federal judges and senators and congressmen all agree that Biden won and that there was no widespread fraud. And to claim that all these Republican appointees and representatives are part of a conspiracy to undermine the Republican party is ridiculous.

At the same time, it is completely reasonable to believe that Trump fabricated the "stolen election" story. Because this is a man-child with the most extraordinarily narcissistic fragile ego. He cannot possibly ever accept that he made any mistakes or did anything wrong or is flawed in any way. The way he sees things, if he lost the election, it must be that it was stolen from him. And his tribalist supporters are all too eager to delude themselves into thinking that he must be correct. And like the tantrum-throwing child who smashes everything when he loses the game, Trump doesn't care how much harm he causes to the United States; the only thing he cares about is his bruised ego.

"But they didn't actually burn anything! They weren't like the BLM rioters!"

When Titus entered the Temple, the only one who was killed was a pig. But the symbolic significance of that event was appalling. Storming the Capitol is more than the equivalent of looting and burning stores.

"But Trump told them to stop!"

Yeah, right. That was after he had spent weeks riling them up. It's like the charedi rabbonim who constantly describe (or tolerate the descriptions of) their opponents as Amalek and then profess no responsibility for the acts of zealots.

"But Trump has done so much good for Israel!"

Yes, he has; the Abraham Accords have completely revolutionized the paradigm for the Middle East. Hopefully the events of yesterday have not undermined them. But in the same way as Trump's actions should not negate the value of the Abraham Accords, the Abraham Accords should not negate the terrible destruction to the fabric of the United States that Trump's madness has wrought - nor our obligation to condemn it.

"But the Democrats/ Liberals/ Progressives have done so many terrible things!"

So? That is irrelevant.

I would like to conclude with the following insight from Rabbi Zev Reichman of East Hill Synagogue in Englewood:

In Pirkei Avot, Rabbi Chanina Segan Hakohanim declared that we are to pray Lishlomah Shel Malchut, for the peace of the Government, She’ilmalei Mora’ah Ish Et Rei’eihu Chayim Bala’u, for without its fear man would swallow his friend. Why was Rabbi Chanina the one to teach us this lesson? Rav Meir Shapiro asked another question. Segan means assistant. Why was he Segan Hakohanim, assistant to many High Priests? Wouldn’t the assistant serve as understudy for a High Priest and upon the High Priest's passing, he would then assume the role of High Priest? Rav Shapiro answered that during the Second Temple era the Romans controlled Jerusalem. They would sell the position of High Priest to the highest bidder. Rav Chanina was not a man of means. The Romans continually passed over him by awarding the role of Kohen Gadol to other Kohanim, not deserving of the position. Even though the Romans repeatedly snubbed and hurt Rav Chanina, the eternal assistant to High Priests, he was the one who taught by example and declared that praying for the welfare of government was of paramount importance.

Today's desecration of the Capitol reminds us that we need to pray for the welfare of our beloved country and its citizens. Please choose to pray for our Republic and Constitution. Tehilim chapters 121 and 130 are appropriate to recite.

May Hashem hear our pleas and bless this wonderful country with respect, civility, and peace.

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  1. There is a ton of evidence for widespread election fraud.. and the Republicans who deny that fact are traitors and cowards. Regarding the storming of the capital building, there have been many witnesses who saw that the people instigating the violence and breaking windows were actually antifa terrorists. And the fact that an innocent unarmed women got murdered just shows how corrupt the Democrats have become.

    1. How can one identify an "antifa terrorist" pretending to be a Trump supporter? Do they have tattoos on the back of the neck, like the dead bishop on the landing?

    2. If you are aware of "There is a ton of evidence for widespread election fraud" please take it to the Supreme court.

      Trump has a whole team of lawyers looking for any evidence at all, and so far haven't found anything, so if you are aware of evidence (i.e., not a video that someone forwarded to you on YouTube), please share it with Trump's legal team.

    3. With regard to the claim that the guy photographed was Antifa, turns out (surprise) he is a well known Trump Supporter and Qanon conspiracy supporter

    4. Must be the same group of people who witnessed election fraud and Antifa at the Capitol yesterday. They come from a place called Fantasyland.

    5. Michael -
      I would hope you are intelligent enough that there is a massive amount of evidence that this election was stolen from Trump.
      Every single case was thrown out for "lack of standing" NOT for lack of evidence!
      Go watch just one of the Giuliani team's presentations to the state legistlatures.
      It's frightening how our elections are not much different than in Syria with all the fraud and the complete & total media blackout of it.

    6. If there is a ton of evidence of fraud, why could they not prove it in even 1 out of over 60 court cases!? There are 2 types of Trump supporters. Those who admire his policies but do not believe every word that he says and those who admire his policies but do believe every word that he says, regardless how irrational. You seem to be from the second type.

    7. Chaim -
      I would hope Michael is intelligent enough to know what it means when someone has 64 chances to put up or shut up and can't deliver even once.

    8. Chaim- I would hope that you are intelligent enough to understand that virtually all of the evidence that was shown was proven to be a load of bunkum. The media reported on the claims, but they refused to be a part of the steal by giving credibility to a claim that has been disproven. Just like they cannot give credibility to the flat earth society, just because they have claims that no court looked at.

      Let us look at some of the claims:

      Dead people voting - How does anyone know that dead people voted. They compared names on the voting roll with obituaries, and found the same names. So there are people on the voting roll with the same name as dead people. Some of them may actually be dead. But they still did not show that any of them actually voted.

      Vans with out-of-state licenses bringing in ballots - so what? Should they buy vans and keep them idle for most of the year? Of course they rented vans from a rental agency, what is wrong?

      Ballots counted three times - This was claimed about Georgia, that had a hand recount, with almost the same amount of votes. That proved that no ballot was counted more than once.

      People who moved out of state voting - The GBI checked into this, and it was nonsense. Yes, they moved out of state, but afterwards moved back. And the stable genius could not fathom that someone would move out and then move back. Perhaps they went to college and returned home.

      It is just not true that the claims were not looked at. They were all looked at, by the appropriate authorities. It just happens to be that the courts are not the appropriate authorities. But every expert who looked at it has categorically stated that no fraud claims are credible.

    9. There has been an insurrection of the media who refuses to acknowledge the conservative side of the debate. The fact is there is widespread voter fraud and if you stopped listening to CNN all the time you would see that there are some people who truly see through the BS of the left wing who haven’t even acknowledged that trump is president since he was elected 4 years ago. Why should there be this double standard? All anyone is asking for is to be more meayin where these votes come from. When you have more people voting via mail in ballots than ever before and the ballots being counted in a very questionable way it opens up an avenue for major fraud. To say there is no fraud when there are videos of suitcases being reeled in at 6 am all magically being for biden is ridiculous and blindsided.

  2. You see? There is just no winning with these guys. A known Trump supporter broke through a door and got shot by police, and that is somehow antifa. The mind is made up, and that is it. Even before the event happened.
    Everyone is a traitor and a coward, unless they think like me. When the lawyer for Trump states in court that there was a non-zero amount of Republican observers in the room, the judge should decide that no republican observers were allowed.
    There is no reasoning with some people. I want, so I get.

    1. There is evidence that antifa infiltrated the peaceful protest, as they usually do.

    2. You actually know of no evidence. So please keep your fantasy life to yourself. Our country is in crisis. And spreading disinformation is harmful.

    3. There is none whatsoever. None. Nada. Niente.

    4. Have you been living under a rock? Of course the antifa terrorists infiltrated the peaceful protests. There were countless tweets of known members planning to show up
      And storm the capital. John sullivan a known BLM/antifa member tweeted "I’m on chats that are underground that are sending out flyers that are just like, ‘Storm all Capitols on the 6th.’ It wasn’t anything that was secret. It was something that was out there … and they did it.” facial recognition cameras and undercover fbi agents all admit that Antifa/BLM not only invaded the group but were the main provocateurs of the storming... all this just shows once again how the fake news media are destroying our country.

      For more evidence/further reading

    5. Ephraim, on this very comment thread there are people supporting the storming. Are they also Antifa posing as Trump supporters?

    6. Who on this thread said they support the storming. I don’t think I saw any comment to that effect.


    7. Well, here's one that just came in on the next post:

      January 10, 2021 at 7:54 AM
      There cannot be free and fair elections without a free press. The media in the USA is solidly anti-Trump from day one. Dictatorship is the only solution at this point."

    8. Yes well Yakov is clearly a nut. But that aside you indicated that there are “people (plural)” and you must’ve been referring to posts prior to Yakov’s. Which people were you referring to?


  3. Eh, I don't agree. And the title of your post was misleading. What burned? True, Trump fiddled. And while whoever was rioting should be arrested & prosecuted. But when was the last time you heard of a left wing gathering being condemned by politicians? Why is BLM and similar groups called "protesters" and Trump supporters are "rioters"? Maybe the Trump supporters should have stolen some TVs, then they would be "protesters"? Like Linda Sarsour pointed out, stop focusing on the rioters, and the windows that got smashed, and focus on the enraged protesters all around Washington. There are thousands all over the country.

  4. "Today's desecration of the Capitol..."

    Oy vey. Can we NOT equate the Capitol with the Beis Hamikdash? Please?

  5. By the way, from the NYC School's chancellor, champion of racists and "equity and diversity" in his letter to teachers:

    "I was equally disturbed by what I saw as the response of law enforcement, who apparently allowed the entry and later the peaceful dispersing of these violent rioters. The lives of countless Black Americans have been lost for profoundly less threatening actions than what we saw perpetrated today."

    If they were all violent rioters, how come they peacefully dispersed so easily? Portland is STILL under attack for months.

    So defund the police, and when they are now afraid to do their jobs (yes, I have talked to many officers) blame it on racism. Because, you know Warnock is gonna be great .

    What you don't seem to get is that the left more than the right wants people divided. And it's working up until the point that normal people just don't want to be called racist bigots just for waking up in the morning.

  6. It's as if you are addressing your fellow Jews. God ordained that Trump loose (in the manner that he did (perceived as fair or not, depending on your perspective). He also ordained that it be carried out in this orderly or not so orderly manner - whatever your perspective.

    1. That's not Judaism, that's ancient greek philosophy, i.e. everything that happens was fated to happen.

    2. @David Staum, you grievously error regarding the concept of self determination. Free will and determination only apply to an individual his middot and will etc. However when it comes to a nation of 350 million with ramifications that arguably effect the entire world. This sort of self determination doesn't exist. Only the hand of God can be at play in such consequential situations.

  7. About Trump telling them to "stop". Please note that in the same breath he told a slew of domestic terrorists, attempting a coup that "we love you and you are very special" 🤮

  8. "The tantrum of a man-child who does not care about..."

    It is the president of the USA. A president that was very good for Israel. Biden can learn a thing or two from him, but I fear he will not consider learning from a "man-child," whose words are but "tantrums".

  9. Sad but true.
    But I do understand the frustration when people refer to the violence committed by or in the name of BLM and Antifa as a myth, as if CHAZ/CHOP and the cities and businesses being burned and looted were just some right-wing delusion.

  10. Tens of thousands of people (somewhere between 75,000 - 300,000) were at this protest peacefully with no intentions of storming anything or committing any violence whatsoever. That was the stated intention of the rally. A protest! So how can Trump be said to have been "riling them up?"

    Bad actors (many of them neonazis, some of them Antifa thugs) orchestrated provocations and turned the crowd into something else and some people surely got lost in that.
    But suggesting that anyone called for this by staging a rally or planning a rally beforehand is a completely *insane* accusation. Insane as in, your delusions are so large, you need to seek help.

    Trump has had hundreds of these large rallies with thousands of people all over the country and none of those Trump rallies have erupted into violence like this.

    This is being used as a pretext to do what Trump's opponents have wanted to do for a long time. To silence Trump. Soon this censorship will be used more broadly on the populace too, for "uncouth" opinions.

    1. You people are all so stupid. Do us all a favor and crawl back into your Newsmax hole and leave the sane people in peace. This is a quote from Trump yesterday at his rally, just before his supporters stormed the Capitol:
      “We’re going to walk down to the Capitol, and we’re going to cheer on our brave senators and congressmen and women, and we’re probably not going to be cheering so much for some of them. Because you’ll never take back our country with weakness. You have to show strength, and you have to be strong.”

    2. Out-of-context and foolish. Trump did tell them to stop! He wrote, on Twitter, "I am asking for everyone at the U.S. Capitol to remain peaceful. No violence! Remember, WE are the Party of Law & Order – respect the Law and our great men and women in Blue. Thank you!"

    3. And as is clear from numerous accounts, Trump did nothing to stop it. And his video was a shameless pander to the rioters.

    4. @Shlomo, You know who else did nothing about it? Biden. All summer he never condemned BLM riots, only doing so AFTER the DNC when he went down in the polls. At least Trump didn't wait three months to respond.

  11. > And his tribalist supporters are all too eager to delude themselves into thinking that he must be correct.

    Yes all 84 million of those tribalist. Or only about 83% of them... Is that what you're saying?

    > "But the Democrats/ Liberals/ Progressives have done so many terrible things!"

    > So? That is irrelevant.

    To paraphrase Tucker Carlson (who may also be part of the 84 million tribalists):

    "...but if you don’t bother to pause and learn a single from it, from your citizens storming the capitol building, then you’re a fool..."


    1. I agree. We should, of course, condemn it but also stop and think why this happened? Because Americans lost faith in the very thing that made them Americans. The right to vote.

  12. Storming the capital and establishing a dictatorship is the only thing that can save the poor USA. Unfortunately there are no forces that can accomplish this goal. Democracy is a fraud that destroys nations and countries. Israel is another perfect example of that. What kind of dictatorship? The one that sees as national good as the only justification for government's existence.


  13. The founding event of the United States is a bunch of rabble-rousers, representing a small minority of the general population, dressing up as Indians, storming a group of ships at anchor, and throwing their cargo into the sea.

    If you didn't grow up being taught that that was a singularly heroic moment- and every American schoolchild was- have the good sense to leave the comments to the natives.

    1. I am the rare American who feels the American Revolution was totally unjustified. The colonies were a darn good place to live back then, compared to Great Britain. To me, the complaints of the founding fathers seem petty. And none of the taxes that and regulations they were complaining about came close to what the United States imposes on its own citizens today.

      So I don't think the Tea Party was heroic at all. Just a violent riot and property destruction of innocent people.

    2. So every violent mob is some sort of an American ideal? What a dumb comment.

    3. @Happy I almost agree. The American Revolution was in some ways an unnecessary war. My grandfather used to say that it might have been better had we stuck with England. British provided our defense from the French. Yes, we were taxed but at the lowest rate between the colonies. Indeed, the Boston Tea Party was a bunch of drunks looking for a fight. On the other hand, the revolution was a glorious cause and the founders had noble ideas. "For the rights of all men." The Declaration of Independence. Brilliant. Today, Dems want to take down the Washington monument and blow up Mount Rushmore. Shame. Shame. Shame.

      If I were alive back then I might have initially supported Britain but later changed my mind.

    4. Where the ideals of Paul Revere and George Washington comparable to that of the MAGA chevra? Are you intentionally being retarded?

    5. The original tea party was trying to depose a monarch. This one is trying to instate one (i.e., an unelected official). What an idiotic equivalency.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. America (USA) is not our country or homeland. Take it easy everyone, don't take it so personally. We all belong in Eretz Yisrael.....

    1. Right. And in Eretz Yisroel there is no reason to protest stolen elections, because a couple of months later there will be another election

  16. “In complete contrast to this is yesterday's appalling events at the US Capitol, which were due to one very simple cause: “ American politics is complicated. It does seem millions of Americans are pissed off at their so called elected officials who are perceived to be destroying American jobs and culture. Who pander to sexual deviants, left wing anti-American forces and criminals of all sorts. ACJA

  17. Good article. Refuah shelema to some of the commenters here, get your heads examined.

  18. First, the election was stolen! Did you see the speech where Trump brought out these diagrams that proved there was widespread fraud? You sound like Chris Wallace who says, "Mr. President, there is no evidence of fraud." YES, there is!

    (2) And they were like the BLM rioters! All summer BLM burned, looted, and derailed cities. They even attacked Washington. Yes, they would have stormed the White House had it not been for a thin blue line. Furthermore, fake news like CNN is condemning the riots yesterday, while supported their base all summer. Nancy Pelosi called it a "summer of love." Fake News sarcastically claimed it was a peaceful protest when you could see a building was on fire in the background! At least Fox News contributors like Tucker and Hannity commended the riots of yesterday, remaining consistent.

    (3) And Trump did tell them to stop! He wrote, on Twitter, "I am asking for everyone at the U.S. Capitol to remain peaceful. No violence! Remember, WE are the Party of Law & Order – respect the Law and our great men and women in Blue. Thank you!"

    It wasn't trump's fault a woman died yesterday. Yes, we mourn her loss, but we cannot and should not blame Trump. Could he have done more? Yes. But we can't blame him for other people's actions.

    (5) Trump has done more for Israel than any previous president by far. That should be self-evident now. Trump's "The Deal of the Century," asks to go back to pre-1967 borders, return 70 percent of the West Bank, and started the Abraham Accords. What do you think Biden will do? Under the Obama regime, the president visited every country in the middle east except Israel! Even if we dislike the current president, and he is our current president, he will not be impeached, you will admit he's done nothing but good here.

    (6) It is very relevant when Democrats attempted to steal this election. Ask yourself, why were there people in Washington to begin with? It wasn't because a miserable criminal was killed, and rightly so. No, it was because they stopped having faith in the very thing that distinguishes us from the rest of the world and makes us Americans. The sole reason for our revolution was to grant men rights. When those rights are infringed upon, we have nothing. They were there in a peaceful protest (at least most of them).

    Do I condemn the riots yesterday, of course. But let's not pretend the Dems were better when they rioted all rummer and condoned it.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. He told them that three hours after the invasion. The events you describe happened before that.

    2. True, Trump is responsible for raising the temperature. He's responsible for boiling the emotions but he's not responsible for the acts of violence. He isn't responsible for the women killed nor the attack on the Capital building, the seat of Democracy. The opposite is true. He told everyone to remain peaceful and go home.

      @Yehoshua, Nonetheless, the fact remains that he told them to 'go home in peace.'

  20. I agree with the entire post except this sentence: "it is completely reasonable to believe that Trump fabricated the 'stolen election' story." -- No, I'm not saying the election was or wasn't stolen, but I'm saying that it's not reasonable to believe that it was Trump who fabricated the story. He gets much of his news from the media, don't forget.

    1. I think it's important to keep in mind that there is a prevailing Trumpist belief that he could not lose an election.

      You'll recall that the standard Trumpist position is that the 2016 election was also fraudulent, in that they hold Trump also won the popular vote, in addition to the EC.

      Also there were many public Trumpist statements, going back to 2019 AFAIK, "predicting" fraud in the 2020 election.

    2. I can't tell if you're agreeing or disagreeing with me. I can't find any contradiction between our two comments. I agree with your comments.

    3. I agree with you -- just pointing out that the "stolen election" claims were also in play in 2016, and have often come from the Trumpist inner circle as a kind of prophylactic against real or perceived losses. So it's not at all unreasonable to think they come from within the proximal Trumpist world rather than from the obsequious media in its orbit.

  21. “When the facts change, I change my mind - what do you do, sir?”
    ― John Maynard Keynes


  22. Just one comment.
    The judges who ruled on the election results, did not rule that the election was not fixed/fraud.
    They only ruled that there was no evidence to the contrary.
    And there wont be any evidence, since if any fraud took place, it was done either

    • With the mail-in ballots which were held by each state un-supervised for weeks.
    • After the election day supervisors were forced to leave the counting. And they were told not to photograph from outside since it was illegal.
    • Using the computer software – which inside people have proved is possible.

    The way that some of the swing states went from a large Trump lead (11% in philadelphia) to a very slow (2-3days) Biden lead with only about 20% left to count is extremely unlikely statistically.

    1. "The way that some of the swing states went from a large Trump lead (11% in philadelphia) to a very slow (2-3days) Biden lead with only about 20% left to count is extremely unlikely statistically."

      It would be unlikely statistically if the distributions were all random -- both the distribution of in-person vs. absentee ballots among Trump and Biden supporters, and the order of counting in-person vs. absentee ballots.

      We know that neither of these distributions were random, so the pattern is exactly what one would have expected.

    2. Would you care to comment on which statistical analysis you used to determine that it is unlikely statistically? Without statistics, common sense tells me that there is no reason to believe ballot results should have a uniform distribution over time.

      Also, if no evidence will ever be available, what is the point in disputing the election? And if we can dispute elections without evidence, what's the point of elections in the first place? And we can overturn every past election as well, because past elections also had all the problems you mentioned.

    3. @Joe Q., EXACTLY. The pattern is what was expected the whole election night which is what all the reporters on TV were saying prior to it happening.

    4. What I don't understand is how Trump was winning in some states but then Biden somehow took the lead, Trump's numbers dropped dramatically. But that doesn't make sense. Votes can't drop like that. They only go up.

      Furthermore, the Dems frauded by receiving many mail-in-ballots after the election. The tradition was, for hundreds of years, that we knew the outcome of the election on election night. But mail-in-ballots were allowed to be received up until Friday, or in some cases, weeks after the election, a violation. Also, the postal service could easily mark the date wrong or set-back the date to Nov 3rd. Another violation of the rules.

    5. "Trump's numbers dropped dramatically"

      His percentage of the popular vote in particular states dropped as more Biden votes were counted. This is because of the order of counting in-person vs. absentee ballots, and the order of reporting large vs. small counties.

      Trump and Biden votes were not equally distributed among in-person and absentee ballots, nor were they equally distributed among small and large counties.

      Trump's absolute vote numbers did not drop as more votes were counted.

    6. @Joe Q, No, you don't get it. Trump can't lose votes. He can only gain them. It makes no sense that when Biden received more votes, Trump's numbers dropped when they can't. Something happened that night. I say it's a fraud.

  23. I miss when this site was about Torah

  24. I think we are all here to hear Hagaon Rav Slifkin's shitot on Torah, rationalism and science. Why has it become like all other online forums for political debate?

    1. Because everything has turned into politics. If I wanted politics, I’d go elsewhere. I come here for Torah. It’s like watching an interview of a celebrity talk about their upcoming movie but all they want to do instead is talk about social justice. No thank you.

  25. Your ignorance on this election is astonishing! You say you know nothing of the intricacies of the election and then dismiss the allegations!!! Please educate yourself before you make proclamations!
    Please read from Deroy Murdock:
    “Some of the more worrisome data include these allegations: 19,997 ballots in Arizona cast by those under age 18. In Georgia, 20,312 out-of-state voters seemingly voted in-state. In Michigan, 27,825 ballots apparently were “requested” by voters who made no such request. Nevada saw 42,284 suspected in-state double voters. Absentee ballots officially recorded as returned on or before the day they were mailed out total 58,221 in Pennsylvania. In Wisconsin, 96,437 able-bodied voters evidently skirted the Badger State’s voter ID law by claiming to be “indefinitely confined.” Senators and House members of both parties should be chilled to their marrow by a December 22 letter signed by 19 members of Pennsylvania’s State Senate. In that document, and a December 28 news release by 17 of these legislators, they calculate that 202,377 more ballots were cast for president than there were voters who voted. This is called “stuffing the ballot box” and is the most basic and profound species of vote fraud. These 202,377 mystery ballots are just about halfway in number between the estimated 144,000 to 288,000 completed absentee ballots that U.S. Postal Service contract truck driver Jesse Morgan swore in a notarized affidavit that he transported on October 21 from Bethpage, New York, to Harrisburg and then Lancaster, Pennsylvania. After parking that trailer overnight, Morgan attests that he returned the next morning and was shocked that it had vanished.”

  26. If you thought Trump was Hitler, which is what the left was comparing him to for the past four years, undeservedly so, then it’s a Mitzvah to do everything you can, including cheat, to make sure he’s not elected.

  27. The percentage of difference in the vote totals is so statistically minuscule that the number of questionable ballots so dwarfs the difference in the vote totals that a fair hearing on this matter is the least that should have happened. The legislature in Pennsylvania requested the results be decertified until an audit was performed, similarly many in the legislature in Arizona said the same thing. Also the Supreme Court of Wisconsin ruled that 200,000 votes were illegal but that they would not be able to be disqualified unless each and every single vote had a review and no one was willing to grant that.Just these claims alone change the outcome of the election. I would like you to examine these assertions and refute them. if you can’t, an apology stating that you don’t know enough to speak intelligently on this matter would be fitting.



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