Friday, November 19, 2021

Coming to America

B'ezrat Hashem, I will be coming to New York (for the first time in several years) this January, just for a week. This means that I am available as scholar-in-residence for Shabbos parashas Beshalach, January 15th. There's a catch - my entire family is with me! We therefore need accommodations for seven people. Preference is for Teaneck or the Five Towns. If you are interested in arranging for me to come, please write to

We are also thinking of arranging one of our legendary Biblical Feasts of Birds and & Beasts, this time in the Five Towns. If you know of a home that could host 70 or so people for a sit-down dinner, please be in touch!


  1. Would you consider holding a seminar in Lakewood NJ?

    1. Why would it be a joke? There are plenty of, let us say, more balebatishe types in Lakewood. Oh wait, you think the entire town, and all the outskirts, are tightly controlled by the Vast Chareidi Gadol Conspiracy TM.

    2. @Happy, to give you the benefit of the doubt, you used the word "balebatish" for lack of being able to come up with a better word, so you came up with an extremely inaccurate one.

      Forget also about conspiracies. People would never allow a cheremed person to lecture in Lakewood. The only way remotely possible is to do so in secret.

      As regards "Leah", a woman's name is a red flag that an insincere man/troll/jokester is the author.

    3. No institution that answers to Lakewood leadership will be permitted to host slifkin. Sheesh they didn't even allow the opening of carols and Gabby's!

    4. Nu, who says it has to be in an "institution that answers to Lakewood leadership"? Have it in somebody's living room!

    5. @Big Mouth, not only the leadership, but also enough of the regular people such that it isn't worth it.

    6. ...because anyone who publicly hosts slifkin in Lakewood will face backlash of some sort. This is self evident. Claiming that I'm invoking some charedi conspiracy theory is your go to move, I get

    7. "Have it in somebody's living room!"

      And how would it be advertised? How would enough people come to make it worth the rabbi's while? Would his closet admirers come?

    8. Maybe, maybe not. You don't know if you don't try. Who says only admirers? Some people come just for kicks.

    9. Uh no... We do know before we try. You lose credibility when you may actually make sense when you stake out positions that you don't even belive.

  2. Would u be interested in speaking at YU. There is a large group of students that read your works and would attend a lecture....

  3. When will you know when/if/where you would have the birds and beasts meal? Would you post it on the newsletter?

  4. Trollish comment referencing the Rabbi Dr's initial reaction to Covid:

    House arrest for poor people during covid is a public good but international travel for rich people is an unqualified right.

    1. Oh, you know there's always two sets of rules. Or one set only for some.

    2. Hey, you said it, not me. So the only "edifying" here is of yourself.

    3. The difference is that you consistently stand up for the rights of the rich, powerful and privileged to oppress the poor, powerless, and marginalised.

    4. Wow, you're a walking cliche. Last I checked, Tim Cook was really, really rich, powerful, and privileged. I imagine you are as well. Me and those who think like me? Not so much.


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