Monday, February 7, 2022

Antisemite Heretic: The Movie

There's an intriguing new movie that was just released by my zealous opponents. The title is "Natan Slifkin: Why Did Gdolei HaDor Warn Us About Him?", and the subtitle is "Nathan Slifkin is an antisemite heretic." The fabulous artwork for the movie features Rashi, Rabbi Avigdor Miller, Rav Ovadia Yosef, the Lubavitcher Rebbe, and none other than the Rambam, along with the Torah itself, against all of whom is pitted a rather interestingly photoshopped version of me. I have a green face, my mouth has been replaced with that of an ape, my body is that of a monkey with a tail, and I'm holding a banana. Somewhat disturbingly, I have what is supposed to be a swastika (but which is actually a Hindu symbol for good luck) tattooed on my forehead. Behind me lurks my laptop with this blog, and a demonic figure which is either Sauron or Satan.

The film itself is an astonishing one hour and ten minutes long. Alas, it's mostly rather boring (though the soundtrack is riveting), with slowly-scrolling text asserting that evolution is false and I am an evil heretic, etc. Among the damning evidence against me is that I wrote posts praising Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis of the UK, and that I am a friend of Rabbi Daniel Korobkin of the Bayt shul in Toronto and Rabbi Efrem Goldberg of BRS. 

There are also a handful of terrific action scenes. At one point I get eaten by a great white shark! There's also a part where my stunt-double is performing some extremely dangerous aerobatics on some kind of jet-powered skateboard, apparently warning of the danger of my ways. And at the very end, there is a group of apes dancing in synchronization.

The film was produced by an acolyte of Yaron Reuven and distributed with his approval. Apparently, they are rather angry that I drew attention to how Reuven (and Yosef Mizrachi) have engaged in some very dangerous antics, including providing material for genuine antisemites by producing videos which (falsely) claim that Hitler was correct to hate the Jews because they really did corrupt and destroy Europe.

Now, a number of people were very upset by this video, and were concerned for me. I appreciate the sentiment, but really, it's not necessary. I think that this video is fabulous! I hope it doesn't get taken down (unlike the rest of Reuven's videos, which I sincerely hope are removed).

This has nothing to do with being thick-skinned (which I am not). Yes, I get upset when people like Rabbi Meiselman spread lies and slander about my personal life and about what my books actually say. But it doesn't bother me at all when people claim that I am going against the Torah as they understand it - because they are absolutely correct! Of course, the rationalist approach to Torah is the complete opposite of their understanding of it. And when they mock me as a green-faced monkey-bodied swastika-tattooed spawn of Satan, I don't think that my reputation has been compromised.

Honestly, the only thing about the video that bothered me was that it sometimes misspelled my name as "Nathan," with an "h." But, as one of Reuven's followers explained, the "h" is for heretic!

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  1. Is this your first film role? What's your Bacon number?

  2. "...the only thing about the video that bothered me was that it sometimes misspelled my name as "Nathan," with an "h"."
    At 2:30, showing a letter with what is supposedly Rav Sternbuch's official letterhead, Rav Sternbuch's name is spelled "Sterbuch", without an "n"

    1. I remember there was once a mail-order mattress delivery service whose number was 1-800-MATTRES- "Leave off the last 'S' for savings!"

    2. I guess the sterbuc n was removed for nathan?

  3. Wow, someone has a real obsession with you. You should be very proud especially if you are in the company of people like Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis and Rabbi Daniel Korobkin.

    Not many people get one hour videos made about them, although the quality and special effects could be better.

  4. I think you are being too cavalier about this movie. This is exactly the kind of stuff that can endanger your life. Some overly zealous follower of this evil and dangerous moron might just take it upon himself to rid the world of this 'heretic'. Be careful, Natan.

    1. And of course, if leading chareidi rabbis and leaders don't come out and condemn this video, they are demonstrating agreement and approval with it and are equally culpable, right?

    2. Of course, there will be at least 50 emes v'emunah pieces on this chareidi da'as Torah scandal, each one with at least 300 comments from his insane commenters.

    3. Pretty much, yes. They are the supposed guardians of community mores are they not? Not the cops, the state or ordinary Jews.

    4. And of course, if leading chareidi rabbis and leaders don't come out and condemn this video,

      Why would they. They likely don't even know it's out there.


  5. If what different rabbanim say is true, then you've gotten the film producers' shares in Olam Habah transferred to your account. It might be a teeny-weeny transfer but Olam Habah doesn't grow on trees!

    1. I somehow feel like that's not much of an acquisition given their character

    2. I read once that Rabbi Shteinman was asked about that transfer of merits, done as a result of lashpn hara. He said there's no source for such an idea.

  6. Obligatory musical interlude:

  7. i'm only 30 seconds in and they refer to the Chofets Chaim as "Yisroel Meir Hakohen of Radin", without any honorifics

  8. I just watched the first few minutes on the greatness of our sages and would appreciate someone explaining pshat in the boat and the jetpack (seriously- what is the message the maker was trying to communicate?)

    1. a) They are trying to appeal to a younger generation of Jewish (& Gentile) miscreants who they assume find this appealing and b) they are insane.

  9. Wow sounds like it's got some sick action scenes! How did Rambam time-travel in order to warn everyone about you?

  10. Maybe you should clarify if indeed people come from apes.

    1. Humans did not 'come from apes' - but evolved through a natural process of deep, almost unfathomable complexity that can only be described as divine and attuned with Torah. Or you could believe they just appeared from mud in the space of a day.

    2. The real issue is not (as Douglas Adams wrote) that humans evolved from apes. That much is clear. The issue is that some humans are now being overtaken by them.

    3. @Meir Moses, or you could trust the account of the Torah - that God created humans.

    4. Inquiremo left an utterly ignorant comment and disappeared.

  11. Why does the number of dislikes not appear below the video?

    1. Not sure, but any negative comments are also removed eventually.

    2. Youtube a while back stopped making the number of dislikes available to the public, in order to spare the feelings of content creators. They still keep the button as a helpful pointer to the content creators but don't give a darn about wasting the general public's time who may not want to to click on or sit through a video only to find out that it's title was misleading.

    3. Because you tube is controlled by the progressive elite and they don't want everyone to see what people really think and like. This is very simple.

    4. They conspire together. Just like those who post on youtube like to pretend they only create quality posts, youtube itself likes to pretend that it only hosts quality posts.


      It's not just the dislikes, they censor everything.

    6. @Yakov: If the 'progressive elite' controlled youtube, every single one of these videos by these characters would be removed.

    7. MM, that would require micromanaging.

    8. @Yakov everything except racism, antisemitism, Nazism, antiscience propaganda and actual fascism. They have been up front about that, saying it would cut into their business.

  12. This is great stuff. I knew about the new world order but jet pack rabbis??? this is revolutionary!!!!!

  13. I'm hoping it's Sauron. Who wouldn't want to be in a Lord of he Rings spin off? I was hoping he'd throw in an Orc or two. For those of you who grew up wit the Ranklin-Bass cartoon, here you go.


  15. Love the random cow sounds. However it seems they have murdered Rav Aharon Shechter🤷

  16. I think Reuven and Yosef Mizrachi are acting cowardly. Rather than debate you they make sarcastic videos about you.

  17. if not or king louis burning the talmud the rambam would hve been a heretic not a hof gadol

    1. "If not...." That's the point. Hashgacha would have arranged a different agency.

  18. Harry Maryles is right. I assume the video establishes that you are a meisit, a machti and a rodef. In their eyes, that establishes you as a ben mavvet. Please take all physical precautions.


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