Tuesday, March 15, 2022

How To Meet God

I am reposting this post after having hastily taken it down. I read it - and reread it - and stand by every word I wrote.

I want to add that the individual who is the subject of the post is actively involved in encouraging behavior which is likely illegal and definitely dangerous. Publicizing this is justified from a legal perspective and imperative from a moral perspective.


Rabbi Doniel Katz is a popular lecturer and spiritual guru with a large following. He is sufficiently mainstream in the frum world that he was profiled in Mishpacha magazine a few years ago, for his innovative work in spiritually elevating people. And he has taught at several large educational institutions in Jerusalem for baalei teshuva.

I mentioned Rabbi Katz in this forum a few months ago, regarding his insistence on the truth of claims that were not only false, but obviously false. But in this post, I'd like to discuss a video that someone sent me of an interview/ presentation of his from a few weeks ago, regarding his specialty field of spirituality.

After a half-hour introduction, Rabbi Katz says he has a story that he claims he doesn't like to tell publicly, and isn't the most powerful spiritual experience of his life, and he suffers by telling it over, but he says that will briefly outline it anyway. As a young man in Melbourne, after having started to learn about Judaism, he went to bed one night, and his soul was "taken up to a higher world" where he "spoke directly to an angel."


He tells this as an introduction to the value of encountering the Divine. And by this he means really encountering the Divine, not just reaching some sort of spiritual euphoria.

And how does one do that?

Why, with psychedelic drugs, of course!

I kid you not. For the next two hours he speaks about the benefits and safety of taking psychedelic drugs, both for curing problems such as depression, and also in order to reach a higher state of consciousness which will actually enable you to meet Hashem. Rabbi Katz claims that all the top scientists have confirmed that these drugs are effective and perfectly safe. They are not yet legal for purchase, but he notes that it is possible to purchase them illegally.

Rabbi Katz explains at length why such drugs are so valuable. What if you have someone in your family that's struggling with trauma, he says? Would you send them to the best therapy, that would take a year? "What if I told you," he says, "that in three weeks they could have a shift and transformation, using plant-based medicine that Hashem made that is scientifically approved and backed... If I can give healing now using a tonic that Hashem brought into the world, which we can trust, and many tzadikim talked about plants having these powers... that induce healing through awareness of Hashem, that strengthens emunah... why wouldn't we give that to our loved ones?"

But, someone listening to the presentation asks, when you take these drugs, are you really communicating with God, or are you just imagining it? Rabbi Katz says that even imagining it would be valuable and healthy, but insists that in most cases a person really is communicating with God. When another listener confesses that he's afraid to take drugs, Rabbi Katz explains that there's no need to be afraid of meeting Hashem.

And it's not just Hashem that you get to encounter. Just under an hour into the lecture, he tells the story of a family who lost their son. The broken parents were given psychedelic drugs, which enabled them, he says, to speak with the neshama of their son. Not that they believed that they were speaking with the neshama of their son - they really were speaking with, and hearing from, the neshama of their son. Which person who has tragically lost a loved one, if they are convinced that there is a way to really communicate with the deceased, will not jump at the opportunity?

When a questioner challenges why Rabbi Katz is recommending psychedelic drugs for people who are not suffering from mental illness, he claims that he isn't. But this is disingenuous. He's stressed that they are completely safe and enable a person to encounter incredible encounters with the Divine that are a crucial part of Judaism! He's given every reason to take them, and not a single reason not to take them!

I discussed his video with several psychiatrists, psychologists, and physicians. They said that psychedelic drugs do indeed have potent therapeutic qualities. However, they stressed that Rabbi Katz's presentation of their benefits and safety is false and grossly irresponsible. Contrary to his claims, there are considerable dangers involved. The plant-based psychedelic drugs that he mentions, such as ayahuasca, can result in all kinds of harmful side effects, including respiratory arrest, psychosis and hallucinations, and even death. The symptoms may occur for months or even years after using the drug. And, needless to say, the belief that one has communicated with loved ones or angels or God does not mean that one actually has done so - and it is a belief that can be dangerous. And the people who are most likely to take such drugs are those who are desperate and vulnerable, and the results can be horrible.

I was wary about being harsh on Rabbi Katz, since he may well be suffering from deep trauma, or some other problem, himself. But he is dangerous to the public. His teachings should be denounced, especially by those rabbis and institutions from which Rabbi Katz derives authority. 

Now, I know what you're probably thinking. You're surmising that Rabbi Doniel Katz is the rabbi that I discussed in the previous post, whose claims on Facebook about being targeted for unique supernatural harm led various commentators here to suggest that he is either suffering from a psychiatric condition or is a manipulative narcissist. But that wouldn't make sense. 

Why? Because the rabbi discussed in the previous post said that he has spent the last three years lying in bed, hardly able to move, whereas Rabbi Katz gives a two-and-a-half-hour live presentation at 4am looking perfectly well. Furthermore, the rabbi discussed in the previous post insisted that every time he drags himself up to give an occasional class online, at the second he's about to start, "right on cue, all the technology goes down" - whereas in Rabbi Katz's live presentation, there are absolutely no technical glitches. In addition, the rabbi discussed yesterday warned that people enabling him to give presentations suffer terrible and sometimes lethal harm, whereas Rabbi Katz does not warn the host of the show that he is in terrible danger. 

So how could Rabbi Katz be the same person as the rabbi in the previous post? He would have to be lying about all those things. 

Or hallucinating them.


  1. Typical druggy. He's either delusional or on drugs. No one can connect with G-d: G-d says: “you cannot see my face, for no one may see me and live.”

  2. I'll repeat my question then.

    Why is it not okay for RDK to promote psychedelic drugs, without detailing the potential risks and the appropriate recipients of these drugs - but it's okay when you use bumper sticker slogans to pressure people into getting the Covid vaccine ("BE SMART. GET VACCINATED."), without detailing the potential risks and the appropriate recipients of these vaccines? Seems rather hypocritical.


  3. Would it be possible to restore the comments to the original post? There were some helpful and informative comments there.

    1. Someone got high and ardently pressed the "delete comments" button. Otherwise known as refresh the page.

    2. Unfortunately I don't know how to retrieve them. Can anyone help? Maybe there are people who receive the comments via email and can send them to me, then I will put them back up.

  4. This article is a massive distortion of his presentation. Its difficult to read all of it. The early statement that R' Katz's experience of being taken up to a higher realm was brought on by a drug induced state is an outright lie! And for those who lack the comprehension skills i will add that R Katz's was in no way encouraging people to go out and even use these things. He explicitly stated that the purpose was to begin a discussion about the possible efficacy of these treatments, but that the decision "should be left to greater Rabbonim".
    Shame on Slifkin for this fear based knee-jerk distortion.

  5. I am truly shocked and pained by the seemingly unabashed ease with which you slander and attempt to destroy another person.

    Having known Rabbi Katz and his family for over 10 years, I can say with certainty that Rabbi Katz's words about his illness are true. He has had to cancel classes on many occasions due to his sickness, and spends much of the day trying to muster all the energy he can to teach. Rav Katz is not the type of person to solicit pity and sympathy, but despite knowing the kind of cynicism it could provoke, believed in people's humanity enough that they would find it in their hearts to support a brother in pain. That you would stoop so low so as to kick someone when they're down, to use their pain to enhance your own denigration of them, is quite appalling. It brings me so much sadness to know that's what a person is capable of doing to someone else. We are brothers and sisters! Why not reach out to have a respectable discussion rather than resort to vitriolic articles which attempt to destroy and not build?

    The article presents a highly distorted portrayal of what Rabbi Katz actually said during the talk show where he mentions the use of psychedelic drugs. The discussion was much more about exploring the advent of many people seeking, and increasingly being able to access deep meditational experiences, in a generation where people are hungry for meaningful depth and spirituality, and are no longer satisfied with an empty Judaism or the latest Hollywood has to offer. He references psychedelics relatively briefly, referencing recent scientific research into what's possible and already being explored today. Not once did Rav Katz say everyone should take drugs or that they are safe for everyone. That would indeed be ludicrous. 

    I also see that you have cast aspersions on Rabbi Katz's integrity by examining his style of writing and taking every word written literally. But is this the same standard by which you would judge anything people say? When someone says "I'm starving!" - do they mean they are literally dying of starvation? Or if they say they're "freezing", does that mean they were placed in an ice tray and became an ice cube in the freezer? I am sure you will have come across people who say in frustration: "This always happens to me!", "I'm never eating that again!", "I'm dying of embarrassment!" - Will you take those phrases literally too?

    Finally, as a rabbi, I am sure you know the laws of hateful speech, slander and baseless hatred. I would urge you to review those laws and teach others so that as we can finally be redeemed from our long and painful exile. May the coming of the final redemption arrive speedily and b'rachamim, bimheira b'yameinu amen.

    1. "Why not reach out to have a respectable discussion rather than resort to vitriolic articles which attempt to destroy and not build?"
      Rabbi Slifkin says that he did reach out first and got nowhere.

      "When someone says "I'm starving!" - do they mean they are literally dying of starvation?"
      No, they are exaggerating for rhetorical effect. Are you saying that Rabbi Katz is exaggerating? But it's not rhetorical effect - the effect of the exaggeration is to make a claim that there is supernatural significance to what's happening, that the forces of darkness are conspiring against him. That's exaggerating in order to mislead.

      "Not once did Rav Katz say everyone should take drugs or that they are safe for everyone."
      Actually he repeatedly insisted that they are safe and explained that Hashem made them.

      Are you capable of hearing any criticism of Rabbi Katz? Or is it unthinkable to criticize him?

    2. And by the way, Rabbi Slifkin did not deny that Rabbi Katz is ill.

  6. You can tell who is a druggie and who isn't by reading the comments here.

  7. I'll start off with saying that i listened to the full podcast and do understand how some of his comments may have been taken in the way that this article has portrayed. However, I had the opportunity to spend many shabbosim with Rav Katz this past year and specifically asked him about topics like these. First of all, he 1000% does not tell people to use Psychedelics for recreational spiritual purposes, I personally heard him say that "shamanism is even starting to become a thing in religious circles rachmana letzlan". He has in the past given classes where he mentions drugs like ayohausca and speaks of how dangerous it can be and that it should not be used. The only times he speaks of using psychedelics is when someone in the past has taken them and wants to learn about things he believes to have seen or when speaking about the medical side. If you want to accuse him of being overly optimistic on the medical side of psychedelics, you are welcome to do so, but that is an opinion. I don't see how speaking and promoting the medical use of it would be dangerous, as it would just push people to enter into the studies being done by actual psychologists and medical professionals. I also question what you specifically asked the medical professionals you spoke to about psychedelics, did they listen to the podcast, or did you just feed them some clickbait quotes in order to get the response you were looking for. As for accusing him of lying about the severity of his illness based on the fact that he gave a 2 hour interview at 4 am, There is a very simple explanation for this, there are medicines to take in his condition that allow him to be present and energized for a certain period of time. however, the rest of the time he is in a lot of pain, I've witnessed it personally. Also, there are Rabbanim such as Rav yitzchak berkovitz, Rav Avraham Sutton, Rav Schatz, And Rav itche myer morgenstern who some of which have in the past and some still do known him personally and have no issues with him and even support him. I understand that he doesn't line up with the ultra-rational style of judaism and he tends to sensationalize things, but to speak of him as a fraud when you don't relate to his style of judaism and are already biased against it would seem to take away a lot of your credibility on this matter.


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