Sunday, December 8, 2019

A Historic Danger for Britain

We have reached a truly astonishing junction in history. In a few days, millions of British citizens are going to vote for a man who hates the West and who befriends those that wish to destroy it. It beggars belief.

All this is quite aside from the fact of Corbyn having enabled, according to the Simon Wiesenthal Center, the greatest rise in legitimization of antisemitism worldwide. This has been documented in a mass of cases, especially in the recently leaked dossier by the Jewish Labor Movement. Perhaps the most damning indictment of Corbyn personally was after Islamic jihadists killed Egyptian forces, when Corbyn suggested that the "hand of Israel" was behind it in a secret Zionist conspiracy.

Incredibly, there are still many people denying that Corbyn has fomented antisemitic conspiracy theories about Jews/ Zionists being an evil group secretly plotting to harm society. They further claim that nobody could possibly reasonably believe such a thing, and that it's a defamatory campaign funded by an evil Zionist conspiracy! I'm serious; there are countless people making this claim, and they don't even see the irony in it. There is an article about Labor Blaming Accusations of Anti-Semitism on Global Jewish Conspiracy which was intended to be a satirical article, but Corbyn supporters actually really do that!

Perhaps even more remarkably, there are many Jews who are voting for Corbyn. And there are other Jews who, while acknowledging the problems with him and not voting for him, cannot bring themselves to vote for Boris Johnson. They say that Johnson is Islamophobic as well as a liar and buffoon, and that Brexit and the Tory party is greatly harmful for the UK.

But let's say that this is true. There is still not the slightest comparison between Johnson and Corbyn, and no moral grounds for avoiding doing everything to keep Corbyn out of power - even if that means voting for Johnson.

I'm going to quote some paragraphs that I saw written by Pete Newbon, a former Labor voter who put it in crystal clear terms. Jeremy Corbyn is an antisemite who has spent the entirety of his inglorious - and hitherto insignificant - career cosying up to people who kill Jews, or try to kill Jews, or say Jews eat children, or that Jews did 9/11, or that Jews invented the Holocaust, or that Hitler didn't go far enough - and we need a bigger Holocaust.

Jeremy Corbyn invited into parliament a man who said Jews eat babies. He spent a decade hanging out with a man who literally describes himself as a proud Holocaust denier. He laid a wreath for men who kidnapped, castrated and murdered unarmed Jewish athletes. He campaigned to have released two terrorists who tried to blow up the embassy of the world's only Jewish state. He called a terrorist who planted a bomb in a cafe, killing twelve innocent people, his "brother."

And that antisemite, if he rises to power, will continue to place in positions of power other antisemites. They will welcome into the party a hoard of antisemites. And these antisemites will abuse Jews. They will share antisemitic conspiracies, cartoons, memes, video clips. They will call Jews 'baby killers'. They will accuse them of dual loyalties, and of treachery, and of lying and scheming against socialism and against The People. And every time some fresh squalor is exposed, people - people who may once have been good people - will twist themselves into unseemly contortions to prove that nothing untoward has happened, and that to even think there is something amiss only reveals the extent of the treachery. You want to know how evil gets power? This is how.

Yes, the Conservative Party has problems. Serious problems. But the Labor Party under Jeremy Corbyn is the only party in British history to be undergoing a full investigation by the Equalities and Human Rights Commission. Doesn't that tell you something?

Every British citizen, even someone who doesn't know or care about Jews, has a moral obligation to do everything possible to avoid the election of a man who adores oppressive regimes and who hates free democracies. But for Jews, there's a special obligation.


  1. I'm more than slightly puzzled at your assertion that "there are many Jews who are voting for Corbyn" I have seen absolutely no sign of that, and I live in the UK. There are a few far-left/anti-Zionist nuts who can be relied on to give Corbyn cover, but pretty much the entire community believes that Corbyn needs to be stopped, regardless of one's own political beliefs. In fact, the unanimity of the community has been inspiring with even people who have not publicly identified as Jewish in any way before actively speaking against him.

    It also has to be said that the UK political system is not the same as either Israel's or the US' and in some constituencies the best way to stop Labour is going to be voting Liberal Democrat rather than Conservative (although I feel uncomfortable advocating that for other reasons).

  2. Adam from ManchesterDecember 8, 2019 at 6:20 PM

    But, Natan, nobody fares. Whether by ignorance or apathy. I spoke to some people at work about antisemitic concerns and they genuinely had no idea what I was talking about

  3. I was told by a British friend that the vast majority of Jewish Laborites have abandoned Labor because of Corbyn. I do not know if there is any truth to his claim. Have you seen any clear data on this?

    1. Adam from ManchesterDecember 8, 2019 at 8:24 PM

      No clear data but it is true.

  4. Meanwhile the ultra Orthodox absolutely love Trump and blather on about a couple of junior congresswomen and the evils of leftism while dismissing any connection between their Orange Messiah's rhetoric and the dramatic rise in right wing VIOLENT anti-Semitism in the USA.

    1. It pales in comparison to the left wing vermon which is legitimate amongst the elite and the youth making it way more dangerous as opposed to the the right wing nuts who are on the fringes of society and definitely a menance just like any crime is but aren't an existential threat like the Corbyn crowd, and for the record many Corbyn supporters espouse neo Nazi rehtoric but since they're anti American as well it seems to pass.

    2. Trump may be "a liar and a buffoon," but his support of Israel is strong, and he pays lip service to stopping violence. (Lip service by its nature is obviously not enough of course, but it is at least the opposite of actually fomenting violence.)

      Unfortunately, it does seem that for many, Make America Great Again is a license to be racist and violent about it. The Right-Wing antisemitism is part of a more "generalized" white supremacy and like Moe said, clearly fringe-y. OTOH Left-wing antisemitism is more systemic, clearly anti-Israel, often terror-apologetic, and quite mainstream.

    3. How many American Jews have been murdered in synagogues by right-wingers? Well, there's Pittsburgh and Poway and we're not even done with his first term.
      How many American Jews have been murdered by leftist BDS supporters? Zero
      How many British Jews have been murdered by Corbyn supporters? I suspect none (except maybe some Muslim fascists who want to make Palestine Great Again and would happily place Godless secularist Corbynites and Jews in the same gas chamber).

    4. The Jersey City shooting was done by Black Hebrews who apparently hate white Jews.
      So much for the right-wing having a monopoly on killing Jews.

    5. @Yehuda P

      However, the media has done everything possible not to show a picture of the shooter and to bury his identity on paragraph 6, while using headlines and 'randomly generated' related story suggestions that imply he was a white nationalist or motivated by Trump.

  5. What are the "serious problems" with the Conservative Party and Johnson? That they don't want Britain to import more anti-Semites from the Middle East and Pakistan? That they want Britain to resume its existence as a self-governing democracy, i.e., leave the authoritarian, anti-Jewish EU?

    I think you're extending too much credit to British Jews who have qualms about voting for the Conservatives. It's past time to acknowledge that the Western Left, except for a brief and now ended period in the immediate aftermath of the Holocaust, has taken its view of the Jews, Judaism and Jewish identity from Voltaire and Marx.

    BTW, as I'm sure you know, anti-Semitism specifically in the British Labor Party is not a new phenomenon.

    1. Seconded, what are these 'serious problems'?

  6. A recent poll had Jewish support for Labour down to 7%.

  7. I don't understand this statement: "and no moral grounds for avoiding doing everything to keep Corbyn out of power"...? You just wrote a whole article disparaging an antisemite (which is good) and how horrible it will be if he gets elected and into power, and that Jews have a special obligation and then you say the above statement? Anyway, I like Boris Johnson, and I think Britain needs him if they ever want to leave the EU, i.e. Brexit.

    I don't mean this to be criticism, but it could be constructive criticism.

    Thank you.

  8. Many people want Boris Johnson out. This is sad because an antisemitic will take power in his place. I am going to share this article with my family in Scotland, who are voting for Corbyn and against Brexit and the Tory party! This is harmful for the UK, and the United States as Trump and Johnson (both born in NY) have a good report. I agree that Johnson needs more votes. Thus, we need to vote for Johnson who can actually make a change for the better.

  9. Why are you surprised? We still have fools in America - less and less, but still some - who call the US President an anti-Semite, for heaven's sake, even though his whole life has been spent working with Jews, he employs openly observant Jews, and all his children have married Jews. You just cant keep crying wolf, over and over and over, and stupid cries too, without it eventually losing resonance. Same with hypocrisy. Again, you have morons on the left in the US who lie and misrepresent facts to portray the rightwing as racist, anti-semitic etc etc, and literally turn a blind eye to their own party. Not to mention so many of the me-too folks were democrats who supposedly supported women's movements. You think the public isn't aware of this hypocrisy? Of course they are. I've personally heard from at least four of five gentile friends who have marveled at Jews claiming to oppose such ills, but yet still support people who engage in it. Even the President mentioned it recently. The hypocrisy of the Jewish left is well-known, among Jew and Gentile alike.

    If what we see in the US is similar to Britain, then its no wonder Corbyn is still around.

    1. This coming from a defender of holocaust deniers. I saved your comment from EvE.

      Trump yesterday: “You’re brutal killers, not nice people at all. Some of you don’t like me. Some of you I don’t like at all, actually. And you’re going to be my biggest supporters because you’re going to be out of business in about 15 minutes if they get it. So I don’t have to spend a lot of time on that.”

      What a friend.

  10. Seriously 'Labor'? I know you didn't learn to spell like that in Jewish Grammar.

  11. Natan, you seem to be itching for another confrontation with Hareidi

    1. The British Chief Rabbi would beg to differ with Rabbi Padwa.

      Would Rabbi Padwa have said not to call Hitler anti-Semitic before he was elected to be Chancellor of Germany, for fear of "provoking political leaders"?

    2. Rav Padwa is ill and his handlers are either claiming that he signed the letter unwittingly or that he didn't sign it all. In any case, everyone except the Zalmoni Satmarers and one Chabad weirdo hate Corbyn.

    3. @Gavriel M: Who's the Chabad weirdo who is pro-Corbyn? (Hard to believe, considering Corbyn calls Hamas "his friends", "brothers". Nauseating.)

    4. I'd be hard put to decide which of the two of you is more clueless as to the facts on the ground.

    5. Schlesinger is a major talmid chacham, but he is not remotely representative of the wider Stamford Hill community. He runs a sort of family cult of Yerushalmi briskers in his once Yeshiva, now Kolel, who send their children to an illegal unregistered school along with Neturei Karta and Satmar nutters who think one hour of English a day is too much, but they don't get along with them really either. They are known chiefly for looking down on pretty much everyone.

      Ordinary Chassidim in Stamford Hill hate Corbyn. I get my facts from having lived their for 6 years and being in regular contact with my friends in the community not 'Skwakbox'.

  12. Herschel Gluck (who has a Wikipedia page!) and he's actually gone quiet because he was getting so much abuse.


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