The reversal was inevitable. Coronavirus is sweeping through charedi communities like - well, like the plague. Although charedim form only 10% of the population in Israel, they are fully 50% of coronavirus cases. Bnei Brak has the highest per capita rate of infection in all Israel.
In part, this is not their fault - it's a result of their living in more crowded communities. But it's also because of the so-called rabbinic leadership in the chareidi world by Rav Chaim Kanievksy, Rav Gershon Edelstein and others. When everyone was shouting at charedim to close the shuls and yeshivos, Rav Chaim Kanievsky was enthusiastically quoted by Roshei Yeshivah as saying that closing the yeshivos is more dangerous than coronavirus, since yeshivos actually protect against it.
This may be the first time in history that someone widely seen as a Gadol B'Torah has effectively described himself as a rodef.
Now there will immediately be people protesting that one cannot blame Rav Chaim - he simply wasn't aware of the recent gravity of the situation. But everyone else was! Frankly, I couldn't care less whether Rav Chaim is personally responsible or not. The problem is not Rav Chaim, per se; it's with an entire society that considers him to be a "leader," and promotes him as such.
We all know about how, prior to the Holocaust, various rabbinic leaders urged their followers to stay in Europe. But this is something happening right now, for all to see. Everyone else was warning that the charedi approach would lead to death, but they didn't have "Daas Torah," so their opinion didn't count. Until Daas Torah suddenly came to the shocking realization that they were actually correct.
As Rav Aharon Lichtenstein ztz"l said - if there is no Daas, then there is no Daas Torah. And as Rav Eliezer Melamed, shlita, said - "I don't consider (charedi Gedolim) to be Gedolei Torah... Gadlut beTorah necessitates an all-embracing, fully accountable handling of serious issues facing the generation, including: the attitude towards Am Yisrael in all its diversity and various levels – both religious, and non-religious; the attitude towards mitzvoth of yishuv haaretz (settling the Land) and the on-going war which has surrounded it for over a century; the attitude towards science and work, and the contemporary social and economic questions."
What is "Daas Torah" worth, when the average non-charedi, non ben-Torah, was correct, and Daas Torah was wrong, in a life-and-death matter?!
(Take a live online tour of the Biblical Museum of Natural History this Pesach! See for details.)
Interesting article by a charedi woman about how charedi leadership is now seen by many charedim as a "sad joke", and how one of the gedolim (I'm guessing R Kanievsky of course) is now seen as a "false prophet"...
The thing is, calling this the Death of Da'as Torah is a mistake. It won't make any difference to the "true believers" who airways have another ad hoc explanation why this time it didn't work. After all, there are arguments between chareidi rabbis all the time and both sides supposedly have da'as Torah, but nobody blinks.
ReplyDeleteI am so DISGUSTED with the behavior of so many hareidim throughout this crisis. I have relatives in Boro Park who didn't self-isolate even AFTER they were sick. Four of them are on the mend, but who knows how many other people they passed it along to. I've been a little obsessive with reading news and comments, and believe me religious Jews have well-earned some of the enmity of their gentile neighbors in Lakewood and Brooklyn.
ReplyDeletezdub, holier-than-thou anti-religious JINOs, such as yourself, who have no concern for achdut are a major problem. Gentiles in Lakewood and blacks in Brooklyn despise you and your kind as much as they loath religious Jews.
DeleteYour hateful comment indicates that you don't have any takeaways or lessons learned from the Holocaust or from Jewish in general.
Anonymous, i think you are off base. for all we know zdub is religious him or herself, why would you call them antireligious, or hateful? They are understandably upset and in pain about what has happened. Many of my friends in our very religious community are also heartsick and angry about those among us who defied the medical recommendations and risked us all (both risk of virus, and risk of increased Jewhatred).
DeleteGedolim have always made mistakes there is a whole mesechta horiyos about it, there is nothing new in that. Even moshe rabainu made mistakes, to err is human, these are not angels. They are also not prophets so they cant be false ones. Great Jewish kings made mistakes like Yoshiyahu who went to war and lost. Daas Torah never existed so there cant be any death of it. Daas Torah is what is written there, no one has the right to say he has it unless he can also prove it is written there. And even then we have machlokes haposkim, that doesnt mean that one of the two, who must be wrong, they cant both be right, doesnt have daas torah. Daas Torah is wrongly used, to my mind all it means is that someone can learn properly because many who learn who dont have it nearly always get it wrong. The proof really is if other meforshim learn the same way as him, if they dont that usually proves he doesnt know how to learn and that to me means he doesnt have daas torah.
ReplyDelete"They are also not prophets so they cant be false ones."
DeleteThe mistake here was in commonfolk believing gedolim actually were prophets, and in the establishment elites of the system crafting a society/culture that promoted them as such.
Even though people here will probably say that Chabadnikim are the biggest offenders in elevating their Rebbe to the level of being a prophet, the Ba'al HaTanya actually devotes a letter to this (Part IV of Tanya, Iggeres HaKodesh, Chapter 22):
DeleteHas such ever happened since the days of the world, and where, oh where have you found such a custom in any one of the books of the early and latter sages of Israel, that it should be usage and regulation to ask for advice in mundane matters— what one is to do in matters pertaining to the physical world. (Such was not asked) even of the greatest of the erstwhile sages of Israel, as the Tannaim and Amoraim "For whom no secret is hidden" and "All the paths of heaven are clear unto them," except for the real prophets that were aforetimes in Israel, as Samuel the Seer to whom Saul went to enquire of G‑d about the asses that were lost to his father. For in fact, all matters pertaining to man, except for the words of Torah and the fear of Heaven, are apprehended by prophecy only "And there is no bread unto the wise," as our sages, of blessed memory, said: "Everything is in the hands of Heaven except for the fear of Heaven;" and "Seven things are hidden .... man does not know how he will profit, and when the Kingdom of David will return ..." Note, these are likened one to the other!
That is, the Ba'al HaTanya is complaining how chassidim seek his advice in mundane matters--of business and the like--when the advice that should be sought from a Torah sage should only be things related to Torah observance and יראת שמים.
A similar story is related about the last Lubavitcher Rebbe. A woman's child passed away, and she asked the Rebbe why such a tragedy befell her. The Rebbe answered that only a prophet can be endowed with the knowledge of "why this calamity occurred".
The mistake here was like with the king I mentioned. RYK really believed that people learn and daven like him. If that were the case he could be right. That king also believed that and it costed him his life.
DeleteThis won't be the death of Dass Torah. Its adherents will find a way to use this proof that Daas Torah is even more powerful than they had assumed.
ReplyDeleteGoogle "When Prophecy Fails"
It is certainly hard to understand this stira in R' Chaim.
ReplyDeleteWhen he first said Yeshivas should stay open, he was unaware of the severe danger of the corona virus. It seems now is he much more informed, which was why he said street minyanim need to stop.
DeleteIt's O.K to be an ignoramous, but it's not O.K. to be an ignoramous and never have the basic decency to say 'Guys, I really haven't got the foggiest clue what's going on in the world so please don't ask me any questions about anything except gemara and, if you do, I'm not going to answer them'.
DeleteHere's a thought. Maybe he should have informed himself the first time.
DeleteIt's OK to be an ignoramus, but it's not OK to be an ignoramus and a leader.
DeleteSometimes G-d makes our leaders blind to accomplish a higher purpose. All the people who listened to Daas Torah and get sick are korbanot who atone for all the irreligious Jews who do not listen to Daas Torah.
ReplyDeleteThat is the most warped view I've ever heard ��
DeleteReally? Korbanot? You mean like Jesus??? What a ridiculous assertion.
DeleteThe last line of this post reminds me of incident with Rav Hutner zt'l. At a shiva resulting from a tragic ocurence, a local Rabbi gave an explanation of communal deficiency to explain why it happened. The next morning he got a call from Rav Hutner (who was at the shiva at the time) congratulating him on his new profession? In response to the Rabbis puzzlement, Rav Hutner responded "You have become an accountant. You have begun keeping Hashem's books".
DeleteThe Gemara (Berachos 5a)says that when suffering befalls a person "yefashpeish bma'asva" examine HIS actions, not someone else's. And the Gemara (Bava Metziah 58b) teaches that it is a Torah prohibition of ona'at devarim to tells one who is suffering tragedy or sickness, to say as Iyov's friends told him, that it is happening because of something you did wrong. It is ona'at deverim, verbal and emotional abuse. I humbly request forgiveness from those Rabbis who do it, but I think it is improper for us to become Hashem's bookeepers for anyone's account except our own.
You absolute fool! Do you speak for God?
DeletePoe people, Poe.
DeleteFYI people - I was being sarcastic - to demonstrate the utter ridiculousness of all the rationalizations we will hear from Haredim when this is over!
DeleteR' Slifkin, I think you just became a made man with this one and will go down as one of the great luminaries of all time with this post! Kol HaKavod!
ReplyDeleteCertainly he would be if he stopped people dying. The exultative tone employed won't achieved that.
DeleteI endorse your observation! Rav Slifkin's erudite conclusion was a life raft for me in my state of Shock after I realized that the Torah observing Jews were DYING with the dreck-eating Chinese while we. the Jews, HaShem's Torah bearers to supposedly educate the World, claim 'safe-eating' as our exclusive national Divine Protection for Jews ONLY! Now we are dying with them! HaShem is allowing the Plague to show us that we have FAILED by withholding the Torah from the nations! So yes, we were slaughtered for keeping the Torah for 2000 years - but, all talk of 'Redemption', 'Messiah'. This is the Time of Geulah. But, there can NOT be a universal World with ONLY Jews obliged to Torah. While we refuse the Torah to them, claiming it as our sole right, we shall DIE with them reaping the Curse of Torah rejection. I well realize the bombardment of my audacious statement - but I challenge anyone to tell us why Jews Jews are dying with the Torah rejectors in the same Plague. Only national Repentance and turn around to SHARE the Torah with the Nations can stop this Plague. Can this World survive nwith only Jews obliged to assure Life? The Choice is ours! Your observation Rav Slifkin put the finger right on the core for me - ThanK yOU! HaShem is IN CONTROL as 'The Death of Daas Torah' in Benei Brak has proven! The Turn-around can happen FAST as in Benei Braak!
DeleteI take your point about the need to spread the divine word universally, but I don't think its about Kashrut, which is part of the 613 mitzvot given to Jews. I associate it with cruelty to animals,which is one interpretation of "eiver min hachai" one of the 7 mitzvot of bnai noach. The Baal Shem Tov says that we have arvut with the nations of the world in the 7 mitzvot, we are responsible for them and them for us. Also, I think of the Midrash saying that G-d told Adam Harishon: I'm giving you a beautiful world, please preserve it--le'avda uleshamra. According to experts, pandemics are increasingly caused by human destruction of wildlife and biodiversity, as viruses seek new hosts and humans come into close contact with wild animals whose habitat has been destroyed.
DeleteI agree with your assertion that we need to "Share the Torah" but I think that more relevant here than Kashrut is simply "7 mitzvot bnai Noach," interpreting eiver min hachai, as the Rambam does, as cruelty to animals. The Baal Shem Tov says that we have arvut with non Jews in terms of the 7 mitzvot. We are responsible for them (and they for us). Also the whole inyan of L'avda ve Leshamra where the midrash says that Hashem said to Adam Harishon: its a beautiful world, please preserve and guard it. These pandemics are the result of ecological destruction of an unprecedented level. Wild animals that are being destroyed harbor viruses that need to find new hosts--and we are it.
DeleteI do not wish to belabour the importance of sharing the entire Torah with all nations, but this may just be the moment to stress a point which we Jews overlook. Jews are but some 1% of the World population. Corona Plague is rampant also amongst Torah observing Jews. 'Unclean meats' triggered the Plague - now we all suffer together. So, the truly religious Jews believed (and many still believe) that they are beyond this Curse. Many now discover different - when the righteous around us start dying with the Torah rejectors of the World. ONLY when one divests yourself (terrible to suggest, but yes!) from current Jewish Halacha regarding "Torah is ONLY for Jews", only then can one hope to start seeing thru to reality. Un-Jewish as it sounds, IF just perhaps the Creator intends the Torah for ALL mankind, then we are WRONG. The facts and common logic (which does not hold any value in religious reasoning) suggests that it is impossible to stop such a Plague from unclean meats to devour all humanity by getting just 1% of humanity to observe that Divine Rule. That is simply 'religious false hope', as is being proven World-wide now by Kosher Jews DYING from the non-observance by the 99% of humanity whom we Jews exempt from the Creator's Ruling. This is serious beyond our traditional concepts. It just can NOT safeguard mankind neither Jews. We need to wake up to his, surely. It is amazing that this has not happened before - perhaps HaShem has retained that as one of the Alarm Bells before Geulah. There are book parts more to say on the topic - if anyone is interested to consider.
DeleteWhere is the source for the Rav Melamed quote? He really is on target
ReplyDeleteTher must be a reason why most of the world retires people at 65/67
ReplyDeleteMy helige Zada told me when i was a runaway from yiddihkeit in 1972,with the the many gedolim we read about today still alive.
ReplyDeleteIt was a time of growing corruption amongs't our religious.
I asked him who do u believe in and follow
His answer was simple...kleim nur in godt..
We need to respect our talmedei chachomim..
Ain Oid Milvado
If "anyone who states that they have bitachon and makes light of medical directives is a rodef" (which I agree with) then the cops should shoot to kill if they have to.
ReplyDeleteor at least lock them up and close their yeshivos. This is what they should do with the extremists in Ramat Beit Shemesh and Mea Shearim!
Deleteyou going to brainwash them into believe dinosaurs existed and learning math and basic biology won't send lightning bolts from the sky?
DeleteWhile I agree with the idea of this post, and deep down I was somewhat satisfied with this "gotcha" moment, I humbly suggest that at this time, we would benefit much more by shifting the focus to improving ourselves, not pointing out faults in others and their belief systems. Change needs to come from within. It rarely helps when outsiders point out faults. Let's focus on what's in our control and do what we can to make ourselves better.
ReplyDeleteIf this is a watershed moment as far as daas Torah is concerned, great, but don't be surprised/frustrated if it's not because that is out of our control
that's too late now. The dire economic reality of the state is already here. You waited to long and bought into a system - not your fault - you were either raised in or or the rabbis misled you. It's over now. The tax payer has been swindled for too long.
ReplyDeleteYou are all individuals
The strange thing is that no matter what the religious Zionists Rabbis will always have an inferior complex to the charedim.
ReplyDeleteI always wondered this as well. The problem with the RZ movement is they teach too much compassion, unlike the heredi world that just hates everyone who isn't like them. The secular world has to drop the hammer to save Judaism and the state.
DeleteIt's not really strange. Their religion is just a (really) watered down version of Haredi Judaism with some foreign Eastern European nationalist ideology mixed in. Try asking a DL rabbi why he pronounces ט ח ת ג ד ע ו צ all wrong and get ready for ten minutes of incoherent rambling. (Spoiler: it's because he pronounces Hebrew based on a defective Eastern European accent incompetently corrected by hilonim a hundred years ago). Then try asking him why he doesn't wear tefillin of Hol haMoed (spoiler: it's because it says not to in a dumb fake book from Spain). Who in a such a position wouldn't feel inferior?
DeleteGabriel M, what are you rambling about. No one in Eretz Yisrael wears tefilin on chol hamoaed. The reason has nothing to do with a"dumb fake book from spain". Also, chardi pronouciation of basic Hebrew by putting the accent at the wrong part of the word and saying the wrong plural form of a word like tallasim or shabbosim instead of tallitos and shabbasos, are completely wrong.
Delete@Ari Bet Shemesh
DeleteThe only reason anyone wouldn't wear tefilin on hol hamoed is the Zohar, which is, in fact, a dumb fake book from Spain. At least Charedim really believe it was written by a tana. DL people just pretend to and then willfully break halacha based on it, which is sad beyond belief.
The various ashkenzi ways of pronouncing Hebrew are no more or less correct than zionist Hebrew. Both are so wrong that it is pointless trying to ask which one is better, but at least Charedim have a coherent argument why they pray in ebonics, DL people are just following a wrong pronunciation made up by anti-religious ideologues, which is so pathetic that it would make any one capable of shame, well, ashamed.
ReplyDeleteI read yesterday that Rav Chaim was *going to* announce a prohibition of street minyanim but I did not find that he actually did in today's news. On the contrary, the q&a published today did not address it at all.
I always felt that charedi judiasm was half baked. When you only recognize the Toras Yisroel but neglect the Am Yisroel and the Eretz Yisroel then you are incomplete.
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately while the entire Am believes one thing and for the most part follows the rules, (a sense of achdus), another part feels they know better. They stand apart.
Half baked.
heredi judaism is simply reform to the other extreme.
Delete"If one merits it, the Torah is an elixir of life; if one does not merit it, the Torah becomes a potion of death":
ReplyDeleteFor Hashem your G-d is G-d of gods and Lord of lords, the great, mighty, and awesome G-d, showing no partiality and accepting no bribe.
And now, may the fear of the LORD be upon you. Be careful what you do, for with Hashem our G-d there is no injustice, partiality, or bribery."
Rav Kanievsky is recognized as the exalted medium through whom Hashem’s mandates and messages are articulated. So two weeks ago, Kanievsky assured us that Hashem required us to continue to hook up halachically in a minyan to supplicate him to arrest the pandemic that He himself spawned. After all, pandemics can’t occur without Hsshem’s acquiescence.
ReplyDeleteWell it appears that Kanievsky’s clairvoyant prowess seems to have been severely compromised. 2 weeks ago it was necessary to daven with a minyan and now it’s forbidden. What does Hashem really want? Who the hell really knows?
I think it’s time to ask a Reform Rabbi to inform us as to what exactly Hashem wants. He couldn’t do worse than Kanievsky.
Natan, you and Nancy Pelosi - attacking opponents at times such as these. Shame on you and everyone here applauding you.
ReplyDeleteCharedim and their rabbis are capable of error and of disobeying public directives, just like any other group.
ReplyDeleteHowever I find this posting's smug, gloating attitude towards masses of Chareidim who are dying or facing death, while the posting expresses not the slightest sorrow or compassion for them, to be despicable!
May Hashem show mercy to all the Jews and to all the decent, suffering persons of this planet, and may He wreak vengeance on the evil Chinese Communists who caused this disaster.
Daas torah is and always was a fiction. However, Since it is accepted by so many, it takes on the "air" of truth in order for their society to function. This crisis will not alter that to any great degree.
ReplyDeleteThere is no intellectual contradiction to Daas Torah here at all!
ReplyDeleteAs believers in Divine providence we know that God runs everything and everything that is meant to happen will happen one way or the other according to Gods will.
There is a time when a epidemic reaches a certain stage to bunker in your homes - as the Gemara states, and a stage before that that you keep on doing the Halacha and Avoda in Shul etc.
Either way we do what God commands and leave the rest into his hands, he runs the world!
According to Daas Torah the Sages can inform us at what stage God wants us to bunker in and at what stage not.
Sounds like someone didn't read the post.
DeleteCharedi leadership ignored pleas by medical authorities to close down shuls and Yeshivas, claiming such closures would be more dangerous than the virus.
Didn't quite turn out that way, did it?
Let me get this straight: The Charedi response to coronavirus was a well informed, carefully called decision designed to maximize Torah learning AND life expectancy??? Any and all evidence shows that this is bogus. Yous cognitive dissonance will not allow you to recognize that "daas Torah" has failed.
DeleteYou have missed my main point! We believe that who will live or who will die is decided on Rosh Hashana, and yes learning as much Torah - while Halachikaly you are not at the point of needing to bunker down - saves peoples lives who were meant to die, if you don`t believe this the you are a unbeliever.
DeleteHow it would have been compared to how it turned out you don't know!!!
Quite frankly as much as you believe in your gods of science and secularism, no one knows what is best to stop a 2nd wave, create herd immunity and save as much as possible the economy. Experts are also saying that wrecking the economy can also end up killing who knows how many lives...
It is not 'Daas Torah' that failed, it is the slavish following of various 'Torah Greats' by various groups - and that includes even our Great Rishonim. I will challenge any blasts at me for this audacious statement by asking "Which one of the contradicting Rishonim'" to follow in the event of such disagreements. Responses to that question will simply prove the 'slavish following' of certain Rabbis that I referred to above. And I am NOT discarding any of our brilliant teachers over the last 3500 years. Facts are, as mentioned by several posts in this discussion, that even the Greats can err, and grossly so, as even the Great Moshe did hence being refused entry into the Land! - ONLY HaShem cannot err. If we can accept that and then try and get the Message of awesome events around us at this Final Stretch to Geulah, and try and define what HaShem wants from us, we may find great reason for national and universal Teshuvah which will bring Geulah and the Return of the Shechinah of HaShem
DeleteIf you actually believe that the economic impact of a prolonged shutdown will be as disastrous as that (and it's certainly a possibility), then the logical conclusion is that we need even MORE social distancing for non-economic activities likes kollel and minyanim because that is the only way to free up some space for people to go to work.
DeleteThere is no conceivable excuse for what the Charedi leadership has done. They are simply rubbish at their job. End of story. If you want to know what G-d thinks about well-meaning but hopeless leaders of the Jewish people, read the second chapter of Shmuel. It's not pretty.
Even if HaShem decrees that someone will die, one is still supposed to try to help them live. If G-d decreed for them to die, as surely He is more powerful than us, it will happen regardless of our actions. But we have a responsibility to try and prevent deaths. Look at יחזקאל י״א, it is a sin to not try to save lives even if they are decreed to die.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThe scariest part of the Charedi mindset is that sometimes they abandon the most basic aspects of common sense.
ReplyDeleteI have seen a poster signed by Merkaz Govoah Lehoro'oh Vehalocha - "we have been asked to publicise to the citizens of Betar following the dramatic announcement by Rashkebehag R Chaim Kanievski that one should no longer daven in a Minyan etc....
"that this Psak was given only to the citizens of Ir Hatorah Bnei Brak"
Honestly has there ever been a greater case of Tipshus than this.
In before the "if we had closed the yeshivot, charedim would be 80% of cases rather than just 50%" argument is made here. Or am I too late and someone already tried this type of nonsense?
ReplyDeleteIt is just like they always try to explain away how getting millions killed in Europe was somehow "good" with the non-falsifiable claim that it would have been "worse for their souls" to have survived by landing in America or Israel. I'm sure someone here will be arguing that yes keeping yeshivot open got some people killed or with serious lung damage, but had they not experienced that wuhan virus it would have been worse for their souls.
Yes there are people who argue that about the Holocaust and believe it, and yes they will explain away literally anything to support the concept of Daas Torah.
This post is featured in A Jewish Grandmother : Corona Lock-down Boredom, Try Reading Blogs, my most recent blog carnival aka roundup. Glad you're still blogging in these "interesting times."
ReplyDeleteI think this virus will have deep ramifications on the future of Haredi-ism. Grasping the problem contending with along with lack of modern internet ,smartphones and the like have put this whole קהל קדוש at such a handicap that many will reevaluate
ReplyDeleteWhy are the many reversals and flip-flops of science called, on this very blog, "a feature, not a bug", but when a rabbi changes his mind due to new information, it is called an indictment of daas torah?
ReplyDeleteIt happens to be I dont believe in the daas torah myth either. But nor do I worship the false gods of "science". The glaring contradiction is noted.
in the above context, i do not come to defend the chareidi community.
ReplyDeletehowever, if you claim RAL z'tl as support, you should also quote his introductory comment: "And anyone who seeks to explain who my
words are directed against is doing so solely of his own accord."
Another well-written essay. I agree with what you wrote. The “Torah protects” only goes as far as one likes to imagine. The Torah does, however, bind Jews for three thousand years and is important to Jews. The Torah does not protect anymore than amulets or mezuzah. What will protect is your providence (which Maimonides equates to intellect).
ReplyDeleteI don't get why NS is so eager to show his true colors. If up until now you weren't sure if NS is a heretic or not, he has now officially crowned himself as one. He clearly doesn't care about Kavod Hatorah, which is the Torah itself. And in Chazal it's clear: if you disgrace a Talmid Chacham, you are a heretic. Just look at his tone of voice here! He's so excited to undermine and "catch" a true Gadol Hador. What a shame! NS has really gone down the tubes..
ReplyDeleteThis is an entire site of apikorsim as chazal say someone who is mevaze a talmid chacham is an apikores. Imagine someone who makes an entire sight for people to be mevaze talmidai chachamim. You should all be ashamed of yourself sitting around bashing charadim do you have nothing better to do with your life? are you jealous that they have a fulfilled life and your lives are clearly empty and bitter? I know it's easier to bash good people to make yourself feel better but maybe you should find something useful to do with your lives. Hashem should have rachmunus on klal yisroel and save us from people who sit on the internet spewing loshen hara, sheker and richulus about our gedolim. And I hope Hashem has rachmanus on all of you and helps you do tshuva before it is to late.