Friday, July 23, 2021

This Is Amazing!

We just produced an amazing music video! Watch it on YouTube at this link, with the volume up!

I would like to ask something of the 95% of the readers of this blog who read it in order to benefit from it (as opposed to those who read it in order to hate it!). Please can you express your hakarat hatov by forwarding this video to several other people? Thank you! 

(Here, I'll make it super-easy for you, just copy and paste the following into an email/WhatsApp:)

Hi, check out this terrific music video, I really think that you'll enjoy it!



  1. Warning: Not suitable for observant Jewish men.

    1. Any particular reason?

    2. maybe they can edit out the ervah

    3. Yeah I got turned on by that octopus as well.

    4. If you ever leave your house, it's perfectly fine.

    5. Why? Are you concerned that the observant Jewish men might be sexually attracted to the hippopotamus?

    6. I just watched it. What possible reason could it not be suitable for observant Jewish men?

    7. Why??? there's no kol Isha and the girls in the video are dressed modestly

    8. observant men... well well, it depends "what" they observe.... if they observe the Torah then its perfectly fine. if they observe... then maybe not

    9. Oh of course, calves are ervah.

    10. At one point there is someone fondling a naked chick - had to wash my eyes out with bleach after seeing that.

      Wonderful video - Kol Hakavod Rav Natan.

    11. please note that above the elbow is a halachic erva

    12. And if you are really makpid on such a thing and not just trying to one-up Slifkin you never leave your house. But of course, you're just trying to score points. Good use of halachah.

    13. @Amused, you don't know how the other half lives. They avoid certain streets, stores, recreational areas etc. for these considerations. They indeed go outside only for necessity and also somewhat beyond that to stay healthy and normal. But to watch this type of clip, forgive me for considering it unnecessary, they avoid.

    14. And Mr. anonymous'es opinion was drowned out by the opposition because they're from a different crowd than him. His crowd, or maybe a crowd out there that he might not belong to, is in full agreement with his comment, and their personal conduct is also in full agreement with his comment.

    15. What a pathetic set of comments. This super frum special crowd isn't on this website - or any website - and certainly not on Youtube. Why not post a warning that anyone who uses the internet shouldn't watch the video? The purpose of the comment was to signal "virtue" - look how frum I am, I don't go to store unless it's absolutely 100 percent necessary (but I go on Slifkin's website, and follow links to youtube).

    16. "What a pathetic set of comments."

      Same to you, sir. I don't tell you from long distance what's going on in your society. Don't tell me the same.

      (Much) more than 1/3 of our ghetto has rabbinic permission to use the internet. Normally this is only with a filter. Everyone knows the viral jokes, the kind that our society likes. A significant fraction of us likes R. Slifkin's books. R. Slifkin himself says so.

      Something elementary to us, an specific attitude towards tznius, you can only understand as one-upping. What do you know about us...?

      By the way, and this isn't specific to you, Chareidi camps in US--Litvaks, Chasidim, even Chabad--network with each to rent massive water parks and other attractions exclusively, to avoid complications of Tznius. This also helps somewhat with the price, but not significantly. The express reason is tznius. Last Monday, six or seven Chareidi camps, hundreds or even up of a thousand or two campers, all teenage boys, convened at Six Flags New England for the afternoon.

      I know nothing about your society and you know nothing about mine, except that I realize it.

    17. Actually, I am part of Charedi society myself. Anyway, it's farcical for someone to announce that "observant men" shouldn't watch a music video on Youtube because of a frum sensitivity that does not conform with the derech haolam, is possible only for someone who doesn't work in normal settings, doesn't go shopping except for absolute essentials, certainly doesn't fly or travel anywhere except when it's absolutely essential, probably doesn't go to BMG either cuz some of the wives who pick up/drop off their husbands wear lace sheitels (I mean this seriously; plenty of serious lakewood poskim say it's assur gamur and the equivalent of her hair being uncovered), is engaging in naked one-upsmanship.

      Imagine if Slifkin would recommend buying a certain sefer, and this groise tzaddik would say "observant men don't go to seforim stores except in extremely frum settings" (since you'll have to go in the street to get there). I would say he's being a clown, and you would say he's actually making an earnest comment.

    18. You are misunderstanding and straw-manning my comments. Cut your "extremely" and "absolutely"s out of your comments. Igros Moshe e"h 1 p 144 provides guidelines for these things and differentiates between פרנסה ושאר צרכיו and לטייל. R Scheinberg in his haskama to R Falk's tznius diagram book gives certain allowances for men to read it. Kiruv lectures to irreligiously dressed men and women are guided with certain leniencies by the Chazon Ish'es views. There's plenty of area in between your "absolutely"s and this clip, that would be allowed, and the clip itself, which wouldn't be.

      But I already said this at August 2 7:38 PM. I went out of my way to add that "and also somewhat beyond that to stay healthy and normal". You want I should "imagine if Slifkin would recommend buying a certain sefer...." That's enough of a necessity and you can carefully go through the streets as usual. You get used to it and it becomes natural without attracting gawkers.That doesn't mean you can go through clean streets to see this less/un necessary clip.

      You're Chareidi? So when I said "you don't know how the other half lives", it wasn't you don't know how the other half, THE Chareidim, lives, but instead you don't know how the other half OF THE Chareidim lives.

    19. Replace sefer with book. That's still a necessity? More, or less, than a video? This is a clownish conversation but I'm enjoying, so we can keep going.
      Did you click on the video? The mashmaus is you did, but I don't know why that would be mutar; there was an even chance it would include people who dress according to what Slifkin considers acceptable, which of course you wouldn't.

      I don't why it's mutar for you to come on this site. I'm pretty sure Slifkin has posted pictures which have included women dressed in ways you wouldn't consider appropriate. Is the site a necessity? But the video punkt isn't? Please enlighten us!

    20. Btw, of course the charedi camps rent out water parks. That's a real serious michshal. how can you possibly compare that to this video? Or did I not pay close enough attention?

  2. The other 5% don't read this blog to hate it, they read this blog because they love it so much and want to IMPROVE it! By offering constructive criticism. After all, who is the one who said "Criticizing harmful wrongs in a community is not Sinas Chinam"?

    That said, it is a very nice video.

  3. Mazel Tov! May you be successful in your endeavors!

  4. Nice video. A shame the Museum will be pretty much relegated to videos, or at best closed off effectively from tourists, as Israel regresses again on Covid. Because NOW they're going to stop that nasty virus! Masks are fun!

    Good luck. You got the charedi-free government you wanted, so you can't complain. Enjoy the lock downs.

  5. My 6-year old watched with me and immediately exclaimed that he wants to go to the museum! Just have to wait until we're ba-Aretz after Sukkot...

  6. Please amend your post for people to hit like (thumbs up) and also subscribe. Video is wonderful!

    1. The visuals in the video are admittedly great! (The vocals,frankly, uh, not so much...I'm no chazzan myself, but I have a great appreciation for good singers.)

  7. Very cute video, especially the "hero" at the end
    I was in the area recently, and was very excited to see the building, right off the highway! We'll try to come sometime, although our grandkids are too young and our kids too old (and also, were there already)

  8. "Please can you express your hakarat hatov by forwarding this video to several other people? Thank you!"

    I would love to, but the people I would send to have the same reservations as commenter#1-anonymous, that this isn't for them. Like you keep dinosaurs out of the museum, make an additional video for them.

  9. Warning: Not suitable for observant (or non-observant) Jewish men (or women) with a musical ear.

    The video was great. The audio, less so. Personally I found it a bit cheesy.

  10. Nice visuals. But the music part - the melody and vocals - was weirdly bubble-gumish! A very superficial Americanism which feels more like a cartoon beginning than an invitation to your serious museum project.

    Just saying ...


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