Saturday, March 27, 2010

Beasts of the Bible

This Thursday, I am featured in the Animal Planet TV special "Beasts of the Bible." I haven't yet seen it myself, and I am really looking forward to it. But how can I see it in Israel? Is there a way to watch it via the Internet? I've seen ads for sites that let you watch cable TV via the Internet - are they legit, and will they download harmful software onto my computer? Your expertise is appreciated!


  1. Rabbi, I just read your post, I had no idea, and your show begins in 30 seconds--what luck! [for me]

    I'd be very cautious about downloading any place not well-authorized [Hulu, YouTube, AnimalPlanet, etc]

  2. Just watched it--it's very Christian. Then again, look at the bright side. Out of all those scholars, you were the least krum--who wudda thunk?


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