Sunday, June 13, 2021

The Other Natural History Drama

Today I watched some wild animals tearing into their desired prey, and I also watched some lions tearing into a herd of buffalo. The former was much more distressing, even by Knesset standards. The incoming prime minister, Naftali Bennett, could barely get a sentence out. There's a lot that can be said about the behavior and speeches at the Knesset today, but what stood out for me most were several instances of the most rank hypocrisy.

First was Bibi declaring that Bennett and Lapid are "like Iran" (!!!) for wanting to create the "anti-democratic" concept of term limits for a prime minister - which is exactly what Bibi himself proposed many years ago. Aside from the hypocrisy, the fact that he compared Bennett/Lapid to Iran is an utter disgrace. And this is especially appalling at a time when there are efforts to condemn Ilhan Omar for comparing the US and Israel to the Taliban and Hamas.

Second was Bibi slamming Bennett as being treacherous to right-wing values for relying on political support from Israeli Arabs. This is just absurd; Bibi himself has spent weeks (including this past week) making offers to the Arabs in exchange for their not supporting Lapid/Bennett.

Third was Bibi condemning Bennett for betraying his (secondary) campaign promises - when Bibi was extremely happy last year for Ganz to betray his central campaign promise and prop up his coalition. Apparently, when Bennett seems to break his promises, it's unacceptable, but when Ganz breaks his main promise, it's "what a great guy, he changed his mind based on seeing the light!"

Fourth was Deri shouting about the loss of Kavod HaTorah. Are you kidding me?! This from a religious man who spent three years in prison for bribery? Besides, the charedi parties have caused the greatest disgraces to Torah. Under the leadership of Rav Elyashiv, they ensured that the post of Chief Rabbi would go to a man who was known to be under a cloud of allegations for fraud and sexual improprieties, and to who nobody's surprise ended up in prison. And it's only a few weeks ago that 45 people died in Meron as a result of charedi separatism, with Deri himself proudly declaring that he was able to prevent limits on the number of people going to Meron that were going to be imposed by people who "do not understand the protective merits of Rabbi Shimon."

Fifth was Litzman, in a post-Knesset interview, slamming Bennett as going against the notion of democracy, and in virtually the same breath, proudly justifying his heckling and declaring that if he would have had his way, Bennett would not have been allowed to speak at all. Because it's really democratic to want to stop your political opponents from being able to speak.

Finally, it's just astonishing to see so many people blaming Bennett for there not being a right-wing government, when the fact is that there simply weren't enough numbers for a right-wing coalition, and the single reason for that is Bibi himself. Everyone knows that if Bibi, having seen that he was incapable of forming a coalition, would have stepped down in favor of someone like Nir Barkat or Yuli Edelstein, Likud would be leading a coalition. I can understand that some people are very upset about the current coalition - but the person to blame is the person who spent years trying to destroy anyone who presented a challenge to his power.


  1. It's so frustrating to see people on my timeline accusing Bennett of being a traitor. Would they rather have an even more left wing government? Because when the leader of the biggest right wing party manages to alienate himself to most of the population, and refuses to step down, that's what we could have got. Now we got out of the crisis and we still have a right wing prime minister (that isn't hostile to religious institutions). Just because Bibi didn't win this time doesn't mean the right lost.

    1. Oy Vey! But the heavens from above won't allow it! Oy Vey! Once again the Rabbis on the wrong side of history as usual1

    2. A phony and imagined "crisis" that the media convinced you is real. In the latest election Bibi received the most votes of any candidate. "Refused to step down" is quite the fantasy to attach to that.

    3. Not having a government/budget after three elections *is* a crisis. It doesn't matter if it happened because of the media, because of Bibi, or because of his opponents, it wouldn't have been resolved by going for a fifth election.

      Bibi having the most votes didn't translate to him staying in power, because that's not how Israeli politics work.

    4. I didn't claim that he stayed in power. What an erroneous argument.

    5. The real thing that bothers you is that people refused to stop voting for Bibi in large numbers.

  2. Do you think bennett will know when not to pull the trigger when challenged by our enemies, Bibi was always slow on the trigger

    1. With Bibi Israel was the first country to recover from covid.

  3. What a coincidence, it seems like the wild animals wanted to eat Bibi as well a few years ago (I can't find a YT video or news article with the clip embedded, so the Telegram link will have to do):

  4. “If you like laws and sausages, you should never watch either one being made.” In other words, the legislative process, though messy and sometimes unappetizing, can produce healthy, wholesome results.

  5. Sad dark day for Israel. Bennett is not too bad but with Yair Lapid we're in deep, deep, deep, trouble. I saw Bibi's speech on i24 News.

    I totally agree with him. Bibi built a wall to keep the fake converts Africans, and Arabs out. Without a wall they’d take over the entire country in five days. A Palestine state and Iran is very dangerous. I agree with just about anything he said. The liberals are trying to ruin the economy.

    Bennett could really screw the whole country. And he is always smirking. We don't really know about Bennett. Look at Biden, he said he’s be a moderate. He lied. He became liberal and talks about a green new deal. Lapid is even worse. Bennett promised he would not work with the Left, Lapid and broke all his promises. Lapid's going to ruin the country. That doesn’t sound good. You know what will happen? Their heart is in the right place but their head is up their ass. The Arabs will flood and take over the country. These liberals do not think they just blurt things out. Take away the guns, disarm the police, the only people who will have guns left are criminals. what a big jerk. They want to make the abnormal normal. It's very possible that Bennett ruins the country. Especially if they put Lapid he'll just let all those Arabs in.

    1. You are jumping all over the place.
      1. Biden is and was a pragmatist. He did not endorse the Green New Deal, which isn't radical at all. It is simple common sense, although some things may need to be tweaked to work.
      2. Biden isn't Lapid, so it has no shaychus.
      3. Gun control is an American problem, nothing to do with Israel.
      4. The so-called leftists in this government are not claiming to want to bring Africans in, neither are they likely to do it. It is just a non-issue.

    2. Zd -
      1. Biden sad he was a pragmatist. He lied. He turned liberal. He endorsed the radical Green New Deal which harms the economy.
      2. Biden and Lapid are both crazy. That makes them equal.
      3. I brought gun control as an example of the left policies.
      4. Lapid wants to bring Africans and Arabs in. That is why he will ruin the country. That is a big problem.

  6. This is just unbelievable the Knesset in Israel is blowing up. Bennett's speech began with an auspicious beginning, foreshadowing Israel's future. This is a bad way to start. Bennett he isn’t not smiling now. They might not be able to have a functioning government. How's this going to work? I don't think this is going to work is it? The first time Bennett gives a speech in five minutes and the Knesset blows up. This is unbelievable. A lot more people of the Knesset called Bennett. How many times did Bennett call order? Bibi was elected prime minister, not Bennett. There’s a lot more going on than we realize. The country is going to be ruined I had no idea how is this possibly going to work. These people know what’s going to happen to the country within two years.

  7. Rhetoric is common to all politicians. Under Bibi religious status quo was not challenged. Now Israel is threatened with gay marriages, reform conversions, Shabbat transportation, and erosion of Kashrut standard. Not to mentioned illegal land grab by Arabs. And it's all because a guy with 6 mandates and fig leaf as a kippah wanted to be PM so badly.

  8. "there are efforts to condemn Ilhan Omar for comparing the US and Israel to the Taliban and Hamas."

    Proud to be one of the people engaged in such condemnation!

  9. I always find it quaint and naive when people accuse politicians of lying and hypocrisy. Hello! They are politicians, that is what they do and have always done. They pander and give vapid speeches, filled with hyperbole and promises.
    Sane people, who have lived more than a few years on this earth, know already to attach no importance to these kinds of things.

    1. That was President Tr ump's problem.
      He actually (tried to) carry out his campaign promises. And pretty much succeeded.

    2. And fact checkers have documented more lies out of his mouth than any other politician. GO figure.

      (Of course, the fact checkers have a liberal bias. But then again, so do facts themselves.

  10. 1. Bibi didn't direct his proposal at any one person. If the eight years started from now, for everyone, he'd have no problem with it. The disenfranchisement of well over a million voters is disgusting and Iran-like, yes. And I expect your protest when Meretz decries any Torah-oriented legislation as Iran-like.

    2. There is a huge world of difference between tactical negotiations with Arabs and having a government supported by them. Bennett's combo of relying on Arabs plus six seats equal premiership paved the way for an Arab PM. Why not other than racism?

    3. Gantz broke his promise because of the corona curveball. Bennett knew he was lying through his teeth so he wouldn't electorally collapse in an ugly heap (as he deserved).

    4. Deri was a witch hunt against a powerful political figure who threatened the hegemony of the white Tel Avivians. They tend to do that here. This government is knowingly and blatantly stating that the Jewish state need not be Jewish. For that matter, it is not Jewish, not democratic (by Bennett's own admission that a PM with less than 10 seats is not democratic) and not Zionistic; it is supported by real anti-Zionists who visit terrorists in jail and encourage prosecuting IDF soldiers in the Hague.

    5. Bennett committed the perpetrated the biggest possible attack on democracy by knowingly stealing people's votes. He should hang his head in shame.

    6. Wrong. When Bibi offered the three-way rotation with Saar first, Bibi second, and Bennett third, Saar agreed. He then got a seething call from Bennettino, so it was nixed.

  11. Lies and hypocrisy is what politics and democracy are all about. The uncultured behaviour is regrettable and it showes who we are. It doesn't change the essence of the process though. At the end of the day the lion needs to eat and the buffalo to be eaten. It's a hopeless situation at this point.

  12. WADR, I think you need to shut your TV set and take a deep breath.

    1. I dont have a TV set. This is what I see in Tanach, history and the world that I'm living in. Not sure what is it that you disagree with.

    2. My comment was directed at Rabbi Slifkin, in response to his blogpost entitled "The other natural history drama." It is not a "reply" under your comment.

  13. it wasn’t the chareidim that were so loud and disruptive who were asked to leave it was fellow dati leumi folk

    1. But they were loud & disruptive.


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