Sunday, May 1, 2022

This Is Bizarre

This is just so strange. I've wrestled alligators and swam with sharks and been pounced upon by leopards and had physical interactions with full-grown lions, leopards, bears, hyenas, wolves, cheetahs, eagles and countless snakes and scorpions and tarantulas. I've been bitten by boa constrictors, hyraxes, monitor lizards, turtles, squirrels, snookum bears, and even small lions and leopards. But the only thing that has made me need serious medical attention is a bite from a tiny spider that I didn't even notice and had nothing to do with my museum or my work!

I was admitted to Shaarei Tzedek last night. I am not in pain at all, just a little queasy and my arm is slightly horrendous. There are lots of people with much, much worse medical conditions than this! This one just looks horrific, but it's not currently a serious condition. They are treating me with IV antibiotics and they expect to release me very soon.

Meanwhile, here is a lovely picture and a horrible picture. The lovely picture is of one of the two charedi gentlemen who came into the emergency room waiting area last night to distribute pizza. The horrible picture is my arm!



  1. The figure seems like a kind of one-eyed alien

    רפואה שלמה

    1. How do they know it was a spider?

  2. Do tshuva while you still can.

  3. Wicked people, even when they see the opening of hell don’t repent....

    1. Come on, really? With all due respect, the very vast majority of what R’ Slifkin has said or written has been said before, with no repercussions for the original people who said it. I suspect that you would be hard pressed to find a statement of R’ Slifkin that is כפר בעיקר. Regardless, either everyone who says it gets ostracized and people spew vitriol at them online, or we say, “You know, I disagree,” and have a friendly conversation/argument, and that’s it.

  4. best wishes for complete healing, and thanks for all the good work you do.

  5. The issue is even smaller than the spider. It looks like the issue is not the spider bite itself, there is no tissue necrosis. It is a bacterial superinfection and it does not get much smaller than that.

  6. Refoua chelema!

  7. I see they drew around the swelling to measure if its going down or getting worse. I learned about this when doing hatzala but never seen it done.

    And the lesson here that you will always remember is if you think you are too small to make a difference you'll be reminded on this tiny spider and his powerful bite!

    Refua shelaima.

  8. Eh, how bad can it be? There aren't even any spiders on the Schmidt pain index!

    (Just kidding, feel better!)

  9. Refuah Shleima. Did it bite while you were asleep?

  10. Refuah Shelema! We hope you feel good very soon.

    Do you know what kind of spider this was? I know two other people that experienced serious spider bites in Israel and required hospitalization, so it seems this is more common than might be thought.

  11. Refuah Shleimah!!
    Is there any way to identify the type of spider that bit you? Could it have been something else (perhaps a centipede)?

  12. רפואה שלמהw

  13. What spider was it?

  14. Whoa!!! Feel better!!!

  15. I hope that wasn’t your tfillin arm.

  16. As a physician, with experience in envenomations I would say that given the way it looks and that you’re admitted for IV antibiotics I would call this ‘serious’. Refuah Shlema

  17. רפואה שלמה
    Wow! It's unfortunate that your original "sunny" outlook re the bite didn't hold true. That post almost helped allay my discomfort with spiders. Hopefully the antibiotics will bring a recovery to you soon.

  18. Refuah Shelemah!

  19. Rav Slifkin,

    Please don’t be so cavalier about the danger posed by some of these supposedly innocuous creatures. Remember Steve Irwin, The Crocodile Hunter?
    Refuah Shelaymah

    “...After chasing deadly animals around the globe, it was a freak accident with the normally calm stingray that ultimately took the life of the Australian animal advocate in 2006...”

    1. Uriah’s Wife,

      The Irwin case was an incredibly rare freak accident. His death had nothing to do with venom, but rather he was impaled in the heart by the stingray’s stinger. He was dead within an hour of the attack.

    2. And incidentally, it was not that the creature was dangerous so much as bad luck, and I don’t see how a spider can stab someone through the heart, especially without the victim noticing.

  20. Michael G. DworkinMay 1, 2022 at 7:39 PM

    A rapid refuah shleimah! I had almost the exact same experience, one Sunday afternoon several summers ago, except in my case it was wasps that done the deed. They had encamped in my garden's horseradish bed and apparently objected to my efforts to clear it of some weeds. Pretty much the very definition of רודפים.

  21. Do feel like you’ve received some superpower? Refuah Shlema Rabbi

  22. רפואה שלימה!

  23. Shimon OppenheimMay 2, 2022 at 7:29 AM

    I hope you're back to doing what you love soon. Thanks for sending the update. I'm sure your family is worried sick. Refuah Shleima: get well quick.


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