Sunday, May 31, 2015

Caption Contest!

On a previous trip to Africa, I announced a contest to provide a caption for a certain photograph. Here is the winner:

Right now I am back in Africa, leading another tour for Torah-in-Motion. I arrived early to give some other lectures and film some footage for a documentary that I am working on. Here's a photo from today, and I would like to invite you to submit a humorous caption to go with it:

More amazing pictures coming soon!


  1. A frum yid taking advantage of Kriah al yidei chayah bmakom mitzvah to obviate the issue of reading apikorsus
    Kiddush hayashan al pi hariah


  2. '... and so, if you eat this antelope, you'll be fleishigs for six hours, UNLESS...'

  3. My rebbi thinks that even after a tiring day in kolel, I must continue to learn.

  4. You see, you're the Namer, not that tiger.

  5. I didn't know they did taxidermy....hey is that carl?!

  6. "No, no, Simbahleh. Adam drank from the Tigris, not the tigress!"

  7. "No, no no... I'm a bardelas!"

  8. Look, here you are in my book. We are just photographers. There is no reason to bite

  9. 'Sorry, but it looks like you'll be put into Cheirem too...'

  10. "I'm not reading it, I'm not reading it - they paskened יהרג ואל יעבור"


  11. Kollel all day is the only way for an ehlicher leopard. Let the hyenas do the hunting for us.

  12. Hmmm....Should I bite the hand that writes about me?....

  13. Been There Done ThatJune 1, 2015 at 7:02 AM

    "Oh no, he put me in his book! There goes my kids' shidduch prospects...."

  14. "Wake me when you get to the last page"!

  15. Another "Jews For Cheetahs" pushing his literature on me.

  16. "Finally, an accurate biography! How long till they ban it?"

  17. "Now at least I get why they ban his books"

  18. "I'll have the giraffe; they are kosher, right?"

  19. I would suggest the following caption: "Accept the true from whatever says it"

    (I mean the famous words of Rambam: "קבל אמת מפי אומרה", not sure my translation is good enough.)

  20. "Hmm.....and here I was thinking I came from primates!"

  21. "I am mentioned in the encyclopedia, therefore I am"

    Jake Shepherd

  22. "A tiger?! Are you kidding me?"

  23. "Bardelas? That's not me! I'm Acinonyx JEWbatus!"

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Dear Rabbi Slifkin
    First of all, let me say that I hope your encounter with the cheetah was less dramatic than last year’s encounter with the leopard (and, therefore, injury free). I hope you and this year’s T-i-M group have as much fun as we did last year.
    As for a caption for the photo – how about – “and this is a picture of your zeidie Berl when he was just a little cub”
    Warmest regards
    Willy Kohn

  26. "What a relief to see Rabbi Slifkin's take on the Gemara about me! According to Rabbi Meiselman, I was going to be pregnant for THREE YEARS!!!"

  27. ....Should I eat the Gavra or his Cheftza?
    "He may be more than 2 KiZaisim."
    Nishtana Hatevah

    Libby Ba'Mizrach

  28. Congratulations- R' Rakeffet referred to "Professor Slifkin" in a recent shiur. :-)

  29. You used that photo in your book? But it makes me look so fat!

  30. I"ll pass on the caption, but the photo needs more of the cheeta and less of you blocking it, and stretching yourself. Get a couch and put it on your lap. If it doesn't fit get a cub.

  31. OK I see the resemblance. You win. I am not kosher.

  32. Captions:
    1. Do I HAVE to read it? This is religious coercion!
    2. And you think people are going to pay for this book?
    3. Okay, I get it, I also appear IN the book!
    4. Seems interesting, but I prefer the cover!
    5. This is great! Can I convert to Judaism?

  33. "Sure, I'll pose for a selfie!.......... Hey, that's not a cellphone!!"

  34. 1) Interesting, but keep turning.
    2) When do you expect the ban to go in effect this time?
    3) I'm sorry, but I had left my reading glasses in my other suit, you will have to read it form me.
    4) I never learned to read and had always resorted to cheating in school, why do you think they call me cheetah?
    5) So, you want me to convince the rabbis not to ban this book?
    6) Did you write an edible version of this book?

  35. Marc Shapiro writes,

    In the original photo, Rabbi Slifkin's shirt is white, his cap is really a black Borsolino, his beard is untrimmed, his Tzitzis are out, and the animal in the picture as well as on the cover of the book is a Kosher animal-a cow.

    (from Changing the Ih-MOO-tih-ble)

    Libby Ba'Mizrach

  36. 1) I would like to buy this book now, for once its banned the price will go up.
    2) Pen please, and to whom should I make this out to?
    3) Is there a money back guarantee in the case of a ban, or would I be charged an additional fee?
    4) Job well done, I take a 20% royalty fee for endorsements.
    5) Tell me Rabbi, am I or am I not an excellent ghost writer?

  37. Very nice. But why doesn't anyone ever bring me a good Tom Clancy?

  38. Yes I can change my spots. I dare you to say otherwise.

  39. (Inwardly chuckling). "If only this guy knew I'm actually a Chareidi."

  40. "I can't.. I won't...must look away...must. Gosh I hope none of the other guys see me reading this Kefirah"

  41. I'll have the yael with a side of shafan. They're over there by that rocky patch


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